Whether it’s the new Minecraft 1.18 update or any earlier version, diamonds are the most sought-after ores in the game. You can use them to create reliable weapons, tools, and armors in the game. Not to forget, diamonds are important to help you progress in the survival world too. Moreover, you need diamonds even if you want Netherite tools, which are the strongest in Minecraft. , Now, as much as we love them, diamonds are not as easy to find in Minecraft as you might think. Because of that, we have today covered the best and easiest ways to find diamonds in Minecraft 1.18.1 update. These methods work on both Minecraft Bedrock and Java editions. In addition to covering the heights and biomes to find diamonds, we will also share a few mining tricks to find them easily. With that out of the gate, let’s figure out where to find diamonds in Minecraft 1.18.1.
How and Where to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.18.1: A Definitive Guide (2022)
Thanks to the revamped world generation, all the in-game ores have a new generation and distribution in place. If you are looking for cheap thrills like iron or copper, refer to our in-depth guide on Minecraft 1.18.1 ore distribution. As for the diamond ore, use the table below to find everything you need to know.
At Which Level are Diamonds Found in Minecraft 1.18.1?
One of the biggest changes in Minecraft 1.18.1 is the expanded world generation to adapt to the new biomes. With this update, the highest point in Minecraft is located at 320 blocks, and the deepest point is at -64 blocks. Thanks to that, you can expect more ore blocks throughout the area in the game. But you will also have to go a little deeper to find rare ores like lapis, redstone, and of course, diamonds. Though, once you master the vertical distance to find diamonds, the rest is all about the technique.

If we refer to the official notes released by the developers, diamond ores only generate below Y=16 world height. Here, “Y” refers to the world height, and its value stands for in-game blocks. And it goes all the way down to level Y=-64, which is better known as the bedrock layer. Here, you can find diamond deep slate ores that function similar to regular diamond ores but are darker in color.
Also, as compared to regular ores, deep slate ores generate a higher volume as a group. So, the deeper you go, you will find a much higher concentration of diamonds ore. This means you can find maximum diamonds between levels Y=-58 and Y=-64. And since it’s a diamond ore, this distribution stays true for all Minecraft biomes. Not to forget, diamonds can not generate in the Nether dimension, so avoid wasting your time there unless you are looking into chests.
Locations to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.18.1
Now that you know the level at which diamonds spawn in Minecraft 1.18.1, let’s go over key locations to look for. And no, not all of them involve digging straight down.
- Underwater Ravines: Usually, the regular Minecraft ravines generate with lava pool at the bottom or at least take a while for you to climb down. But underwater ravines are a great and safe place to look for diamonds in the game. All you need is to know how to make a Potion of Water Breathing and sharp eyes to locate some exposed diamond ores.
- Caves: If going underwater seems like too much work, try these new dripstone caves seeds in Minecraft 1.18.1. They sometimes generate with exposed diamond ores at a deeper level. You might find them in lush caves seeds too, but they are typically surrounded with moss or plants, so some digging will definitely be required.
- Underground Mining: This is the simplest way to reach diamonds. You need to start mining till you reach the diamond level. Then, you can look for diamond in every direction until you get lucky. But you might fall into a cave in the new update while doing so. Thus, do make sure that the surface below you isn’t hollow.
How to Mine Diamonds in Minecraft 1.18.1
Once you have figured out how to reach the diamonds level in Minecraft 1.18.1, it’s time to mine them. All you need to do is focus on the ore block and mine it using an iron pickaxe. You can’t use any other beginner pickaxe from a lower level, including wooden or stone pickaxe. Mining diamond ores using these pickaxes will lead you to lose the ore as well as the diamonds.

You can craft an iron pickaxe by placing 3 iron ingots in the top row of a Crafting table in Minecraft. And then, place 2 wooden sticks in the middle cells of the remaining two rows. The final recipe would look like the image above. Lastly, select the iron pickaxe and place it in your inventory.
Best Diamond Mining Techniques and Tips in Minecraft
Before the 1.18.1 update, players would have to dig down with a variety of mining techniques to find diamonds. But now, things have changed significantly, so here’s what you need to keep in mind.
Irrespective of the Minecraft version, torches are a must while hunting diamonds. Placing them reduces mob spawning, and they obviously let you see better in the dark. But if you want something more effective, you can brew yourself a Potion of Night Vision.
Deep Slate Caves
Unlike previous versions, cave hunting is the best method to find diamonds in the 1.18.1 update and not mining. If you look for large caves that go in negative Y levels, you can find diamond ores easily. Even among these caves, those that focus more on deep slate blocks and not the biomes are more useful.
Water Bucket
Another important item you should carry on mining adventures is a water bucket. Thanks to the deep caves and steep mountains, this update can easily kill you by fall damage. A water bucket helps you avoid that, and it also protects you from accidental trips inside caves.
Follow the Lava
If you are a veteran player, you might know that diamonds spawn in higher concentrations near the lava. That remains true even with the diamond ore in Minecraft 1.18.1 update. When inside a deep slate cave, follow lava to locate diamond ores in the game.
Branch Mining

As the name sounds, this mining technique involves creating multiple tunnels at negative or diamond levels. You just need to start breaking blocks in particular branches from an origin point. Then, you need to find and mark diamond sources with torches. Though, we suggest you skip making sub-branches to avoid confusion and not stray from your path.
Strip Mining

Strip mining means choosing a specific Y level and clearing out a chunk (16 x 16 blocks) on that level. Once one level has been cleared, you can keep moving downwards until you find more diamond ores. Using TNT can help you make the process faster. This mining technique is tedious but also effective. So, you can use it for finding other rare ores in the game too.
Easily Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.18.1
Diamonds are spawning more than ever in the new Minecraft 1.18.1 update. So, it makes sense to get your tools and resources ready for an underground trip. Make sure to create enough torches and food sources for a long mining session. If you are unsure which caves to begin in, try loading into one of the best dripstone caves seeds for Minecraft 1.18.1, these caves usually end up in deep state blocks. For the players worried about mobs that spawn underground, we have a guide on how to brew a Potion of Invisibility in Minecraft. You can use it to avoid fighting mobs altogether. As for what you want to do with diamonds, that’s totally your choice. But if you have any more tips about mining or finding diamonds, share them with our readers in the comments below. Until then, happy mining!