Putting many mods out of business and the fans’ minds at ease, Minecraft finally has its own cherry blossom biome, and it’s truly beautiful. Recently revealed as a part of the Minecraft 1.20 update, the new cherry grove biome is already part of the game. But finding and exploring this biome is an entirely different discussion. While it is easy to spot, it often generates far from the spawn point. So, let’s quickly learn how to find Cherry Grove in Minecraft 1.20, so you don’t miss out on the new pink biome.
What is Cherry Grove Biome in Minecraft

Cherry Grove is a new overworld biome added to the game with the Minecraft 1.20 update. As the name tells, this biome is inspired by the real-world phenomena of cherry blossoms and features cherry trees with pink petals. You can’t find either of these plants in other biomes of Minecraft.
All Cherry Grove biomes spawn around the mountainous biomes in areas similar to the existing grove biomes. While you won’t find them on top of snowy mountains, the Cherry Grove biomes often generate next to snowy mountains and on top of smaller hills.
What Mobs Spawn in Cherry Grove Biome
While there are no exclusive mobs that spawn in the Cherry Grove biome, you can easily find the following mobs here:
- Bees,
- Black Rabbits,
- Cows,
- Sheep,
- and Pigs
Thanks to the flowering aspects of Cherry Grove, you can find a bunch of bee nests all around the biome. Furthermore, giving a contrast to this cheerful biome, a lot of black rabbits also spawn here. Meanwhile, since most Cherry Grove biomes spawn next to the plains or grove biomes, you can find cows, sheep, and pigs venturing into it. At times, if there’s a snowy mountain nearby, you can also encounter goats here.
How to Find Cherry Grove in Minecraft
From natural search to a few tricks, there are a bunch of ways to find the Cherry Grove biome in Minecraft 1.20. Let’s explore all of them to uncover the one that suits you.
Exploring the World
The traditional way of finding the biomes in Minecraft is viable to Cherry Grove as well. Just make sure that your Minecraft world is made in a version that’s Snapshot 23W07A or newer. Once that’s out of the way, you just need to look for large mountain ranges and pink colors. Within the green and white mountains of Minecraft, the pink biome is easy to locate.
In our testing, we used an Elytra in Minecraft to fly around the world, and the Cherry Grove showed itself in no time. Not to forget, keeping the render distance high definitely helps during the search.
Using Commands
In a world where cheats are turned on, you can use the following command to locate the nearest Cherry Grove biome:
/locate biome minecraft:cherry_grove
Executing this command in your chatbox will reveal the coordinates to the closest Cherry Grove in your world. Then, you can either walk up to it or teleport in Minecraft to reach the new biome.
Create Single Biome World
If you want to skip the entire exploration part altogether, then create a world with only the Cherry Grove biome. Here’s how that works:
1. First, go to the “Create New World” section and turn on “Update 1.20” in the experiments options.

2. Next, move to the “World” tab by clicking on it.

3. Then, change the world type to “Single Biome” and select “Cherry Grove” in the “Customize” option.

4. To make the exploration easier, you can also set the game mode to creative. Then, click on the “Create New World” button, and you are done.

5. The new world that Minecraft creates will consist entirely of Cherry Groves.

Best Cherry Blossom Seed in Minecraft

As per our testing, the Cherry Grove biome spawns thousands of blocks away from the world spawn point in most Minecraft seeds. But you can use the seed we discovered to reach the new biome quickly. This seed will spawn you only a few hundred blocks away from two Cherry Grove biomes. One of them is next to a vast plains village.
- Seed Code: 67
- Closest Cherry Grove Coordinates: -347, 202, -460
With that, you are ready to explore the only new biome of the upcoming update. But before that, check out the best cherry grove seeds in Minecraft 1.20 using the linked article. And this is only the tip of the iceberg of features coming to Minecraft. So, don’t forget to meet the new camels in Minecraft as well as the winner of Mob Vote 2022 – Sniffer. Both of them are new mobs making it into the game, alongside other amazing Minecraft 1.20 features, including archaeology.