- The Minecraft Creaking mob is the biggest threat inside the Pale Garden biome, so it's useful to know how to defeat it.
- This mob won't attack nor move when the player is looking at it, but once you look away, the mob advances on you.
- This mob is connected to the creaking heart block hidden in pale oak trees. To kill the Creaking, you need to find and break the specific creaking heart block.
The Pale Garden is an eerie and mysterious place that holds the beautiful white, pale oak wood set. However, don’t let the calmness fool you, as a threat awaits you here. This danger is in the form of a very unique puppet-like mob called the Creaking. Unlike all other mobs, which are rather dangerous, Creaking can be a tough nut to crack. Want to know what exactly the Creaking in Minecraft is and how to defeat it? Keep reading as our guide breaks that down here.
Minecraft Creaking: What Does It Do?
The Creaking mob is a hostile Minecraft mob with a unique appearance and an overall scary vibe. It spawns naturally inside the Pale Garden biome at night. This mob’s unique ability is related to the spot the player is looking at. If the Creaking is on the player’s screen, it won’t move or attack. But, as soon as you look away, the Creaking will advance toward you in an attempt to hurt you.

This mob deals 2 points of damage per hit on easy and normal difficulties and 3 points on hard difficulty, which isn’t all that bad. However, when you’re surrounded by many Creaking mobs and you cannot look at all of them at once, then you’re in trouble.
So, the first tip we’ve got for you is that you should always stay on the edge of the Pale Garden biome, so you don’t get overwhelmed quickly. Also, light up your surroundings to eliminate other mob spawns.
Additionally, the Creaking doesn’t have a ranged attack but only a melee one. So, it’s possible to pillar up a few blocks and stay at a safe distance away from the Creaking if you need a few minutes to catch your breath.
How to Defeat the Minecraft Creaking
The Creaking is different from all other mobs in Minecraft, as its life doesn’t depend on its health points but rather a unique block. It is the Creaking Heart, and it naturally spawns inside some pale oak trees.
This block is also the reason why Creaking spawns in the Pale Garden biome. If you collect the creaking heart and move it somewhere else, the Creaking will spawn there only during the night and if the creaking heart is activated.

So, the only way to kill the Creaking is by breaking the respective creaking heart block. However, how do you know which one is associated with the particular mob?
So how do you destroy the Creaking heart? Start hitting this pesky Minecraft mob. It won’t take any damage, but it will emit a line of particles leading to its specific creaking heart block. Once you find it, destroy the Creaking heart block using an axe, and the Creaking will disappear with a cool animation.
However, if you want to keep the Creaking heart then I suggest breaking it with an Axe with a Silk Touch enchantment. Provided you place the mob between two pale wood blocks, you can carry it. Moreover, the mob automatically despawns once nighttime is over so you can always just wait it out.
What Should You Bring to Fight the Minecraft Creaking
Now that we’ve discussed how to defeat this Minecraft mob, here’s what you should bring to the battle:
- Armor
- Axe
- Food
- Solid blocks
Naturally, blocks like armor and food are there just to keep you from dying from the Creaking attacks. Solid blocks will help you pillar up or block off a Creaking mob. Most importantly, the axe breaks the creaking heart blocks so you can get rid of the Creaking for good. You may use other tools, too, but an axe breaks this block the fastest.
With that said, now you know how the Creaking behaves, its weaknesses, and how you can defeat it in Minecraft. This is supposed to be a scary mob providing a unique and interesting combat challenge, not a Warden 2.0. So, that’s why it’s probably a lot easier to kill than you might’ve thought.
That said, are you a fan of the new Creaking? Share with us in the comment section below!