It’s Avengers: Endgame day today, and while I’m sure a lot of you have already watched the movie, some of us have not so don’t spoil it for us. Anyway, Google, which is known for adding easter eggs into its products, has surprised us all with a cool new Thanos-related easter egg in Google Search now, and it’s incredible.
Basically, if you search for “Thanos” in Google search, the results show up an Infinity Gauntlet where you’d normally find a share button in the usual search results. That in itself is pretty cool, but click (or tap) on it, and see what happens!
The Gauntlet animates into a snap, and one by one, half of the search results on the page start turning into dust, Infinity War style, complete with the dust-blow-away animation. There’s background music and sound effects too, so make sure you have your volume turned up to experience the easter egg in all its glory.
Don’t worry, you can get your search results back by clicking (or tapping) on the Infinity Gauntlet again, which then uses the time stone to turn back time and bring all the deleted results back.
Now, if that’s a spoiler for Endgame, I’m not sure, but it’s not like we’re not secretly hoping that all our favorite superheroes make it out alive. Even though it’s like wishing for no deaths in Game of Thrones, but hey, dream on, I guess… at least until you’ve seen the movie. Once again, if you have seen it already, remember, Thanos Demands Your Silence, so don’t spoil it for the rest of us.