- Navia is one of the easiest characters to build.
- To ascend her you'll need materials from Artificed Spare Clockwork Component — Coppelius.
- To level up her talents, you'll need the Teachings of Equity series and Lightless Silk String.
Navia has finally made her way to Genshin Impact in version 4.3. She’s a Fontaine character, the head of Spina Di Rosola, a Geo Claymore user, and a DPS character that deals large amounts of AoE Geo Damage. We’ve already covered all the fundamentals of Elemental Skill, Burst, Talents, and Constellations in our Navia build guide, and in this one, we’ll be briefing Navia’s Talent and Ascension materials required to get the most out of her. Here’s our Navia pre-farming guide.
Navia Ascension Materials List

Material | Nos |
Artificed Spare Clockwork Component — Coppelius | 46 |
Prithiva Topaz Silver | 1 |
Prithiva Topaz Fragment | 9 |
Prithiva Topaz Chunk | 9 |
Prithiva Topaz Gemstone | 6 |
Spring of the First Dewdrop (Found underwater near the tower) | 168 |
Transoceanic Pearl/Chunk/Xenochromatic Crystal | 18/30/36 |
Players can obtain “Artificed Space Clockwork Component – Coppelius” by defeating Icewind Suite Coppelius boss near the Fountaine of Lucine and the Opera Epiclepse. As for other materials, Transoceanic Pearls, Chunks, and Xenochromatic Crystals can be obtained by defeating Crabs, Blubberbeasts, and Sea Horses underwater and on the ground. You’ll need a lot of them for both talents and ascension so make sure you start pre-farming for Navia as soon as possible.

Spring of the First Dewdrop is a new regional exclusive material that was added in Genshin Impact 4.2. It can be found underwater in the depths of the new Morte Region.
Navia Talent Level-Up Material List

Material | Nos |
Lightless Silk String (From All-Devouring Narwhale) | 18 |
Teachings of / Guide to / Philosophies of Equity | 9 / 63 / 114 |
Transoceanic Pearl/Chunk/Xenochromatic Crystal | 18 / 66 / 93 |
Crown of Insight | 3 |
For Talent Level-up materials, you’ll need to first go through Furina’s Story Quest to unlock the All-Devouring Narwhal trounce domain and collect the material “Lightless Silk String.” Besides, you’ll also need Teachings, Guide, and Philosophies of Equity books, and Transoceanic Pearl, Chunk, and Xenochromatic Crystals.
As for the Talent priority, it should be Elemental Skill > Normal Attack > Elemental Burst.
That’s it for our Navia Pre-farming guide. If you have any doubts, do make sure to leave your comments below. Navia should be quite easy to build provided to pre-plan and start farming materials starting today.