- Forest Dweller Minecraft mod introduces several features, like a scary biome, terrifying monsters, unsettling dimension, and more.
- While exploring, you first need to find the Biome of Death where a portal to the Darkness dimension is generated.
- Once you kill the Forest Dweller, get its eye which you can use to light the portal and explore the new dimension.
So, if you’ve played the Cave Dweller mod and liked it, we’ve got great (and more spooky) news for you. You can also try the Forest Dweller mod and get ready for a terrifying nightmare. It introduces a frightening monster, pretty spooky red blocks, unsettling biome, and even an eerie dimension. So, get ready to learn more about the Forest Dweller Minecraft mod right now.
When you start playing with this mod installed, your first goal is to find a biome called the Biome of Death. It contains dark green grass, trees with mangrove logs and red leaves, mossy cobblestone boulders, red sky, and also signs. Yes, signs.
The signs are placed randomly on trees and ask spooky questions like: “Why are you here?” Add to that the unforgettable and terrifying ambient sounds. They are ominous and evil-sounding, with a simple goal to make you regret ever being there.

Some structures in the Biome of Death also contain glowing obsidian blocks in the shape of a portal frame. That is your ticket to the Darkness dimension. However, you will need a key to light it up. How do you get the key? Well, by killing the Forest Dweller itself.

The Forest Dweller is a black Slender Man-like mob with glowing red eyes. At a distance, you’re pretty safe from it, but once it gets close, this scary mob will outstretch its arms and start running quickly. Also, its movements are pretty unpredictable, which makes it even more scary. If you want to explore the new dimension, you will need to kill this mob.

Here’s a little tip for that, pillar up a couple of blocks, and the Forest Dweller will find it difficult to hurt you, which will give you plenty of opportunities to kill it. Once you manage to do so, you will receive the eye of the Forest Dweller item. All that’s left to do is to right-click the red obsidian portal frame with it and venture into the Darkness dimension. Though, we won’t spoil this mod anymore, so you can explore and learn about this spooky land on your own.
So, that is the Forest Dweller Minecraft mod. Follow the link to access the official download page. Note that it’s a fairly new mod and will definitely be updated and improved further shortly. With that said, don’t forget to share your experiences playing with the Forest Dweller in the comments below.