Discord is doing away with the four-digit tags attached at the end of usernames to make it easier for users to find and connect with each other. Usernames will now be lowercase, alphanumeric, and limited to certain special characters. However, the new change means that all users on the platform will need to update their usernames.
New Discord Username Rules Announced
Until now, all usernames on Discord have been case-sensitive, with a four-digit tag (or discriminator) attached to the tail end. The intention behind the discriminators was to allow users to pick any username they wanted without ever seeing the dreaded “this username is already taken” prompt.
This way, two people could have the same usernames but could still be differentiated. For instance, “PhiBi#8936” and “PhiBi#9863.” But, this also meant that users had to remember the discriminators and the username for case sensitivity to find and connect with their friends, which complicated things as Discord grew.
Now, the platform has decided to remove the four-digit suffix at the end of usernames. Users will now have lowercase alphanumeric usernames with an “@” in front (like many other social media platforms). For instance, this is what Discord usernames will look like going forward:

You can read more about the new Discord username rules and guidelines here. Discord will also let users set a non-unique display name, which will appear in DMs and servers, using special characters, spaces, and emojis. The app will also allow users to change their display name whenever they want.
The change will roll out in the coming weeks, and all users will be required to pick a new, unique username. Your existing usernames and discriminators will still work as an alias, so your friends can find you using your old username. For now, you can learn how to change your Discord username via the linked guide.
What do you think about this new change? Let us know in the comments down below.