Google to Release Android 11 Public Beta in an Online Event on June 3

Android 11 new screenshot UI showing up for some users
Image Courtesy: Google

Google was expected to announce the first beta of Android 11 at Google I/O, which was originally scheduled to take place from May 12-14 and had to be entirely canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. Falling behind the initially-proposed update timeline, Google will be announcing the first Android 11 beta on the 3rd of June in an online event it calls “⁠#Android11: The Beta Launch Show”.

“While the circumstances prevent us from joining together with you in-person at Shoreline Amphitheatre for Google I/O, our annual developer conference, we’re organizing an online event where we can share with you all the best of what’s new in Android.”, wrote Android VP Dave Burke in a blog post.

Alongside announcements, the event will also have a Q&A session with Android VP Dave Burke and Senior Director of Product Management Stephanie Cuthbertson. “Join us as we unveil new features packed inside the next release, Android 11, as well as updates for developers to help them get the most out of modern Android development.”, reads Android 11 developers website.

If you are curious and have some Android-related questions, you may tweet with the hashtag #AskAndroid to stand a chance to get them answered live in the event by Android experts.

In an official blog post, Google has confirmed that it will include the finalized SDK and NDK APIs with the beta release and would open Google Play Store for letting developers publish apps targeting Android 11. Beta 2 has been moved to July while Beta 3 will be released in August. Take a look at the updated timeline below.

android 11 updated timeline
Image: Android Developers Blog

Meanwhile, Google released an unexpected developer preview 4 earlier today that brings minor updates and bug fixes ahead of the beta release.

SOURCE Android Developers Blog
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