Wuthering Waves Pecok Flower Locations

In Short
  • Pecok flower is an ascension material in Wuthering Waves and can be found in the open world or shops.
  • The resonators that require Pecok Flower to ascend are Encore, Rover, and Jiyan.
  • You can buy Pecok Flowers from Shifang Pharmacy, and collect them around in Taoyuan Vale.

Pecok Flower is the required ascension material for resonators in Wuthering Waves, primarily Encore, Jiyan, and Rover, and players are having trouble finding them. These flowers have beautiful pink petals and are quite rare in the open world. Here I have given the locations for the Pecok Flowers in Wuthering Waves, so that you can ascend your Resonators easily.

1. Shifang Pharmacy in Jinzhou

Shifang Pharmacy Wuthering Waves

The first place to visit when you need Pecok flowers is the Shifang Pharmacy in Jinzhou. They sell 15x Pecok flowers at a time, and you can purchase them using Shell Credits. Use the map to locate the Shifang Pharmacy, and purchase all the 15 pecok flowers. Then wait for the shop to reset to purchase again.

2. Taoyuan Vale Pecok Flower Farming Route

Farm Route 1 (Image Courtesy: In-game Screenshot)

You can find 25x Pecok Flowers around Taoyuan Vale. Start from the Resonator beacon at north of Taoyuan Vale and make your way south to collect all the Pecok flowers. You will have to crisscross your way in Taoyuan Vale to get all the Pecok Flowers, and then jump to the Resonator Beacon in the east. From there, go south and get the last two pecok flowers in the area.

3. North East of Jinzhou City Pecok Flower Farming Route

Farm Route 2 (Image Courtesy: In-game Screenshot)

You can find the last 5x Pecok flowers near the Resonance beacon, northeast of Jinzhou City. Look for the Resonance beacon just outside the Jinzhou City in the northeast direction and teleport there. Enter the garden area in the left and right buildings of the Resonance beacon and collect the last five pecok flowers.

Which Resonators Need the Pecok Flower for Ascension

Image Courtesy: In-game Screenshot (Captured by Sanmay Chakrabarti)

Pecok flowers are required to ascend Resonators in Wuthering Waves. Ascending Resonators increase their base stats and maximum level cap. Every character requires different material to ascend, and these are the characters who need Pecok Flowers for ascension:

  • Jiyan: 60 Pecok Flower
  • Encore: 60 Pecok Flower
  • Rover: 60 Pecok Flower

Jiyan, Encore, and Rover all require 60 Pecok flowers in total to reach Ascension level 6. This means you will need to farm for multiple days to get the materials for all the characters.

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