Valorant Replay System is Coming But “It Is Nowhere Near Launch”

Valorant Replay System Coming cover
Image Courtesy: Riot Games/ Valorant
In Short
  • Riot Games has shared a first look at the Replay system for Valorant in a Dev Updates video.
  • Valorant Tech Lead Marcus Reid showcased the new Replay System along with the defects and issues the dev team is facing.
  • Riot mentions that the Valorant Replay system is currently in its "prototype" stage and is nowhere near launch.

A replay system in Valorant has been a long-requested feature by all players of the beloved tactical shooter from Riot. However, the question of when it will arrive has been either ignored or forgotten by the developer. However, it seems that the wait is about to be over as Riot shared details about the Valorant Replay System in a new Dev Updates video.

In the recent video, Marcus Reid, Valorant Tech Lead starts by saying,“…we have been working on replays.” He further mentions the prototype of the free cam view in Replay. In the view, we can notice a clear view of the game while having multiple buttons to navigate the video; it looks similar to Overwatch.

Image Courtesy: Riot Games/ Valorant

When is the Replay System Coming to Valorant?

After giving us a sneak peek, Marcus emphasizes the word “prototype” by saying, “This is nowhere near launch.” Furthermore, he clears our doubts on why replay is taking so long to implement in the game. Valorant was made from scratch which made all the operations live. Thus, whenever a player does something, the server receives it and sends it back to another player.

However, the Replay system is different as the video needs to stay on the server as players might wanna pause, rewind, or more to check particular plays, etc. According to Marcus, these were not planned beforehand for Valorant and that is one of the main reasons why the Replay system took a lot of time to even reach a prototype level.

He also shares the defects that happen during replay compared to live gameplay. In the video segment, we can notice a different behavior in clocks, doors, and other map elements. Overall, it seems the Replay system release date is nowhere near as of now.

Apart from that, we also got to know more about hero balance through buffs and nerfs where the duelist role will be prioritized over other agents. Well, just seeing Replay System being worked on checks off one feature on my Valorant wishlist. Are you excited about the Replay system coming soon? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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