TruthFacts is a series of hilarious but true flowcharts created by a popular comic blog, Kind Of Normal. These funny flowcharts are based on our daily life habits and situations we come across every now and then.
I have curated some of these here, enjoy.
1. Contents of a Tube of Toothpaste
2. Wasting Time in 1975 Vs Wasting Time in 2014
3. How To Utilize Hashtags on Facebook
4. Things That Melt
5. How Long a Human Can Live Without Internet
6. Battery Life of Your Laptop Vs. Distance from Charging Point
7. Different types of Pedestrian
8. How You Feel About Your Own Age
9. Evolution of Digital Media
10. Push Vs. Pull (World’s Biggest Confusion)
11. Your Knowledge of Traffic Laws Before and After Driving Test
12. What Helicopters Do In Movies
13. When Do You Discover Typos in an Email
14. A Relationship Guide For Men
15. Finally, The Biggest Lies on the Internet
SEE ALSO: If You Are A Geek, You Will Love These Funny Flowcharts
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Courtesy: kindofnormal
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