Over the years, players all across the world have played Minecraft on a variety of platforms. Some more advanced players have even played Minecraft on Chromebooks. But now, thanks to a YouTuber, we have reached peak inception, and playing Minecraft in Minecraft is a possibility. And no, we’re not talking about a random Minecraft mod, this seemingly impossible thing is possible with in-game Redstone components. Let’s find out everything about this task!
A Working Redstone PC in Minecraft
Earlier this year, YouTuber Sammyuri created a 1Hz CPU within Minecraft using only Redstone components. And that processing unit was so strong that it could solve mathematical problems and even render games like Tetris and more. That CPU was known as Chungus 2, and it capped at running 2D games.
Now, after months of work, Sammyuri is back with an upgraded in-game CPU that can render a 3D playable version of Minecraft. This in-game rendition of Minecraft allows users to play in an 8 x 8 x 8 3D world, which is made up of 16 unique blocks and 32 items. You can look around the world, move to different spots and interact with all the blocks.
In terms of gameplay mechanics, Minecraft in Minecraft allows us to mine, craft, smelt, and even create structures alongside other actions. Then, as if it wasn’t enough, the world also has a chest that you can use to store items and blocks.
Can I Play Minecraft in Minecraft?
Even though the YouTuber has a dedicated in-game controller to play Minecraft in Minecraft, most players won’t be able to do. At least, not without a ton of patience. Due to the technical limitations of the game, this iteration of the game runs at an extremely low FPS. So, a regular action takes roughly 2,000,000 times longer than usual.
Nevertheless, the existence of anything that can run a 3D game inside Minecraft is nothing less than a work of art. We can’t wait to see what Sammyuri comes up with next. But until then, what do you have to say about their creation? Tell us in the comments below!