Pokemon GO Palkia Raid Guide: Best Counters, Shiny and How to Catch

In Short
  • Palkia is available in five-star raids from January 4 to January 16, 2025.
  • Palkia is weak to Dragon and Fairy-type moves, with Mega Rayquaza being the top counter.
  • You'll need 3-5 trainers for a comfortable raid, depending on your level and counters.

Palkia has returned triumphantly to Pokemon GO’s five-star raids, appearing from January 4 to January 16th, 2025, as part of the ongoing Season of Dual Destiny. During this period, trainers can encounter Palkia in raids, with spotlight hours on January 8 offering additional raid opportunities from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM local time.

While this is the standard form rather than the Origin Forme, it remains a valuable addition to any trainer’s collection, especially for those hunting its shiny variant or gathering candy to power up their Origin Forme Palkia.

Palkia Stats and Moves in Pokemon GO

Palkia combines Water and Dragon type, making it a unique legendary Pokemon with impressive offensive capabilities. Here are its key stats as a raid boss:

Stat Value
Raid Boss CP54,793
Base Attack280
Base Defense215
Base Stamina189

For moves, Palkia can use:

  • Fast Attacks: Dragon Breath, Dragon Tail
  • Charged Attacks: Aqua Tail, Fire Blast, Hydro Pump, Draco Meteor

Pokemon GO Palkia: Weaknesses and Resistances

Understanding Palkia’s strengths and weaknesses is crucial for successful raids. These are:



Best Palkia Counters in Pokemon GO

Here are the top the Pokemon to use against Palkia, ranked by effectiveness:

PokemonImageFast MoveCharged Move
Mega RayquazaDragon TailBreaking Swipe
ReshiramDragon BreathDraco Meteor
Origin Forme DialgaDragon BreathRoar of Time
Mega GarchompDragon TailOutrage
Zacian (Crowned Sword)Quick AttackPlay Rough
Mega GardevoirCharmDazzling Gleam
Shadow SalamenceDragon TailDraco Meteor

How to Catch Palkia in Pokemon GO

Successfully catching Palkia requires patience and proper technique. Use Golden Razz Berries to maximize your catch probability, and aim for “Excellent” throws using the circle lock technique. Wait for Palkia to finish its attack animation, then throw your ball just before the attack animation ends.

For the best results, use your Premier Balls when the catch circle is at its smallest size while still allowing you to hit “Excellent” throws consistently. Remember that curveball throws provide a catch bonus, so always curve your throws when attempting to catch Palkia.

Can Palkia Be Shiny?

shiny palkia pokemon go
Image Credit: Pokemon GO (via Niantic, Edited by Ash Singh/Beebom)

Yes, Palkia can be shiny in Pokemon GO. The shiny rate for legendary raid Pokemon is approximately 1 in 20 (5%). If you’re lucky enough to encounter a shiny Palkia, it will have a slightly pinkish colour, and most importantly, it will be a guaranteed catch – just make sure to hit it with your ball!

When hunting for a perfect IV (100%) Palkia, look for these CP values:

  • 2280 CP (normal weather conditions)
  • 2850 CP (weather boosted)

For the best raiding experience, gather a group of at least 4-6 trainers. While it’s technically possible to defeat Palkia with fewer players, having more trainers makes the raid more comfortable and ensures success.

So that ends our Palkia Raid Guide in Pokemon GO. Are you confident about facing this boss? Let us know in the comments below.

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