- Omni-Man does not have any weaknesses as of now except for other Viltrumites.
- However, in Season 2 of Invincible, Mark found two things that can weaken or hurt Viltrumites in Omni-Man's Books - the Invincible Gun and the Rognarrs.
- In Invincible comics, Viltrumites can be hurt by attacking their inner ears, and extreme heat, and they can be weakened by the Klaxus plant.
Invincible Season 3 is right around the corner with a release set in February 2025 and looking at the promotional work that is being done for the series, things are going to get much bigger than they have been in the previous seasons. The upcoming season will also probably show us Omni-Man’s return with an inbound Viltrumite invasion on Earth. Even though this time around, Omni-Man is on our side, you might wonder if he has any weaknesses or if Viltrumites can be killed or not, and if you have thought about it, let me give you the answer to your questions.
Omni-Man and Viltrumites Have Two Potential Weaknesses

Initially, no weaknesses were revealed to us regarding Omni-Man except other Viltrumites. However, in Invincible Season 2, Omni-Man asked Mark to read his books before he was captured. Mark initially did not get the reference he was making but while talking about it to Art, he found out that Art and his father tried to run a sci-fi book series. Mark read about it but couldn’t understand what these books meant.
Later on, when he talks to Allen the Alien, Mark finds out that the stories his father had written are true stories and contain things that can hurt Omni-Man and other Viltrumites. According to the books, the Space Racer’s Invincible Gun and the alien species Rognarrs are the only things that can potentially hurt Omni-Man or Viltrumites
Do Viltrumites Have a Weakness in Invincible Comics?
As I mentioned before, Invincible Season 2 has already revealed 2 potential weaknesses Omni-Man and Viltrumites have. However, if we look at Invincible comic books, several other things can weaken and help to take down a Viltrumite. According to Invincible comics, Viltrumites can be weakened if their inner ears are attacked making them lose balance. Extreme heat can also hurt Viltrumites.
Another weakness that has been mentioned in the comics is the Klaxus plant which makes Viltrumites lose their powers temporarily and come to the same level as any other alien species. There is a possibility that Mark might not lose a lot of his power because he is a Human-Viltrumite hybrid. So, let’s see what happens in Invincible Season 3, and till then stay tuned with us for further updates!