Best Mortal Kombat Guest Characters of All Time (Ranked)

Since Netherrealm Studios came out with Mortal Kombat, fighting games have never been the same. While the world of MK has always had a good set of characters, the game has also introduced us to some amazing guest appearances. These either came through the original pool or in the form of DLCs. Now that Mortal Kombat 1 has welcomed Omni Man, Peacemaker, and Homelander, it’s time to take a step back and dial our memories. So sit down with me as I prepare my fatalities and rank down the best Mortal Kombat guest characters of all time.

10. Omni Man

Omni Man iconic train scene fatality in Mortal Kombat
Image Courtesy: NetherRealm
  • Original Series: Invincible
  • Mortal Kombat Debut: November 16, 2023 (Mortal Kombat 1)

I begin the list with one of the latest guest characters, Mortal Kombat 1. Omni Man was the first DLC for the latest Mortal Kombat game, and he did not disappoint. Dad of the Year in Invincible, Omni Man carries the same deadly aura in the video game.

As in the series, actor J.K Simmons has given his iconic voice to breathe life into Omni Man. If that isn’t enough, this anti-hero comes with some amazing strength, agility, and fighting maturity potential. So, if you were terrified of Omni Man in Invincible but want more of him nonetheless, here you are.

9. Robocop

Robocop fatality in Mortal Kombat
Image Courtesy: NetherRealm
  • Original Series: Robocop
  • Mortal Kombat Debut: June 16, 2020 (Mortal Kombat 11)

I’ll be honest with you. Because of his goody two-shoes nature, Robocop doesn’t really fit into the world of Mortal Kombat right away. Nonetheless, NetherRealm took a character like that and amped up his ability for violence and presentation.

Robocop’s to-the-point animations complement his gameplay abilities. Furthermore, Robocop’s voice lines are goofy and make it all the more fun to play. Peter Weller, who is returning to reprise his role as the beloved cop, always gets a bonus brownie point from me. While Robocop isn’t the deadliest guest character in MK, he sure is an amazing one.

8. Predator

Mortal Kombat X Predator
Image Courtesy: NetherRealm
  • Original Series: Predator
  • Mortal Kombat Debut: July 7, 2015 (Mortal Kombat X)

Predator might not have a huge reputation as Robocop or Omni Man, but it does make a lot of sense for its Mortal Kombat inclusion. With an arsenal full of traps and gadgets, Predator makes any enemy its prey.

Some of his animations and skills might have resembled Reptile, but the unique features he packed are undeniable. This guest character is agile but deals heavy damage, making it a deadly addition to the roster. However, since his variations do not differentiate a lot, he ends up becoming a linear-fighter, which isn’t something everyone will like.

7. Peacemaker

Peacemaker John Cena in Mortal Kombat
Image Courtesy: NetherRealm
  • Original Series: Peacemaker, The Suicide Squad (2021)
  • Mortal Kombat Debut: February 28, 2024 (Mortal Kombat 1)

When Omni Man, Peacemaker, and Homelander were announced for the Mortal Kombat 1 DLC, Peacemaker wasn’t really very well received. While gamers did love his essence and witty nature, the gameplay was still in doubt.

However, after playing as the Peacemaker in MK1, I have to agree that he is one of the strongest characters in Mortal Kombat. The variety of his skills is undeniable, and his combos feel fun to execute. It’s always an added advantage that you not only get to play as John Cena but finally see him. Or can you?

6. Leatherface

Leatherface in MK X
Image Courtesy: NetherRealm
  • Original Series: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  • Mortal Kombat Debut: October 4, 2016 (Mortal Kombat X)

Leatherface is one of the only guest characters in Mortal Kombat that filled the shoes of a much needed menacing villian right away. While Leatherface’s performance does feel a bit silent in two variants, he does end up becoming a faithful addition to the series.

The Butcher variation in particular lets Leatherface fully be himself and bring out his originality inside Mortal Kombat. With his intense gore and chopping skills combined with multiple high-damage combos, Leatherface earns his spot as one of the best Mortal Kombat guest characters of all time.

5. Spawn

Spawn in Mortal Kombat 11
Image Courtesy: NetherRealm
  • Original Series: Spawn
  • Mortal Kombat Debut: March 24, 2020 (Mortal Kombat 11)

When Spawn was teased for Mortal Kombat 11, the hype was unmatched. Truth be told, his coming to MK had been assumed because of how well he fits this series. After being in Injustice, Spawn entered the NetherRealm and immediately made his mark.

With great animations, a dark voice, matching aesthetics, and a capable skill set, Spawn made a perfect fit for the series. Although he lacks some good fatalities by Mortal Kombat standards, Spawn is one of the perfect DC comics character adaptations to a game and deserves a spot here.

4. Freddy Krueger

Freddy Krugger in MK
Image Courtesy: NetherRealm
  • Original Series: A Nightmare On Elm Street
  • Mortal Kombat Debut: August 9, 2011 (Mortal Kombat 2011)

After giving up a career in haunting people for eternity, Freddy Krueger decided to switch jobs and join Mortal Kombat 9 in a DLC. Freddy is a strong fighter with fast combos, versatile moves, and deadly potential. While he did set a high bar for future horror characters, he was also a bit overpowered.

I would happily bump Freddy Krueger to the top three if NetherRealm had brought back the original Freddy actor for the role. Nonetheless, he is still a great inclusion in the guest characters list for his sheer gameplay and movie-to-game adaptations alone.

3. Jason Voorhees

Jason in Mortal Kombat X
Image Courtesy: NetherRealm
  • Original Series: Friday the 13th
  • Mortal Kombat Debut: May 12, 2015 (Mortal Kombat X)

Remember Jason from Friday the 13th? The one that can rip your mouth off with just his hands? Yeah, that, Jason. When Voorhees was first revealed with his iconic theme music, it was certain that NetherRealm was cooking. When we finally got Jason in MK X, he did not disappoint. The guest character carried the same aura and horror vibe as his movie role, if not more.

Thankfully, Mortal Kombat ensured to faithfully carry over all the elements that make Jason terrifying. This includes his deadly sound effects during special moves and even the fatalities. And since it’s MK, he obliviously came with the vomit-inducing blood and gore we have come to love and expect from the series. Although Jason has three unique variations, Slasher is my favorite. All that and more easily make him my top three choices for the best MK guest characters of all time.

2. Kratos

Kratos in MK
Image Courtesy: NetherRealm
  • Original Series: God of War
  • Mortal Kombat Debut: April 19, 2011 (Mortal Kombat 2011)

Any gamer worth their salt will remember Kratos like it was yesterday, This favorite PS character made his entry into the MK world in 2011 on Playstation. Despite being a limited edition character, Kratos easily impressed the whole MK community.

With perfect voice lines, animations, and a skill set that matched his personality, 2011 was the year of Kratos in Mortal Kombat. The unique utilization of his weapons to perform special moves and fatalities still feels fresh to all the Mortal Kombat fans, including me. Even if I wasn’t a die-hard God of War fan, Kratos would still be at the top of my list. Or close, anyway.

1. Xenomorph (Alien)

Alien in MK X
Image Courtesy: NetherRealm
  • Original Series: Alien
  • Mortal Kombat Debut: October 4, 2016 (Mortal Kombat X)

Whether you like it or not, Sonicfox playing Alien’s acidic variant will live in every MK fan’s head rent-free. It almost feels like Xenomorph, aka Alien, was made for a Mortal Kombat game. With dark aesthetics and top-class animations, it was already a proper adaptation of the character from the movies.

However, NetherRealm added more deadly spice by adding three completely unique variants. So, if you haven’t played Alien Isolation but want to experience the same horror, try it out. After being impressed and terrified at once, I knew I had to make it the best Mortal Kombat guest character of all time.

Honorable Mentions:

Before I wrap my list up, there are a few honorable mentions. Joker’s entry in Mortal Kombat wasn’t really a shock as he had already appeared in Injustice. Nonetheless, the clown prince of crime made his mark in the MK universe. In the same way, John Rambo and Terminator in Mortal Kombat were also the right fit.

That for me is the list of the best Mortal Kombat guest characters. However, don’t think I am done. As Homelander comes soon on the roster close to the Boys Season 4, he might take a place here, too. Don’t agree with my selections? Let me know yours down in the comments below!

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