Minecraft Legends is still over a year away from release, but the anticipation around this action-strategy game is growing with each passing day. And to add fuel to the excitement, Minecraft developer Mojang has revealed mobs that will be available in-game and help you fight the Piglin enemies. So we are here with a complete list of mobs in Minecraft Legends. From new golems to a new class of Piglins, there are a lot of new mobs to look forward to, especially since they are friendly and won’t explode you to death. Some of the new entries even put vanilla Minecraft mobs to shame. Having said that, it’s time to dive in and explore the Minecraft Legends mob guide.
Minecraft Legends Mobs Revealed (2022)
Our list covers all the mobs announced at Minecraft Live 2022. Also, some of these mobs were teased in the official interviews and teasers for this game. Most of their designs or mechanics are not yet final and are still being worked on, so we suggest you take them with a pinch of salt.
Minecraft Legends Hosts: Knowledge, Action & Foresight
Minecraft Legends’ plot begins with three host mobs that are supposed to familiarize you with the new overworld. The hosts: Knowledge, Action, and Foresight correlate with a player’s instincts in an ordinary Minecraft world, as per Mojang. These mobs’ game mechanics are yet to be revealed but we can make a fair guess.

The Foresight might be the mob that guides you to all the in-game objectives. Meanwhile, Knowledge and Action will be helping you get familiar with the world’s resources and its mobs to fulfill the Minecraft Legends’ objectives.
Friendly Mobs of Minecraft Legends
Minecraft Legends takes place in a utopia-like world where all mobs are peaceful. So, all the hostile mobs from the overworld like zombies and creepers in vanilla Minecraft are supportive of the passive and natural mobs in the world of Minecraft Legends. They also support you (the protagonist) in fighting the Piglins and protecting the overworld against their assault. So let’s take a look at all of them:
1. Zombie
Similar to vanilla Minecraft, zombies are undead mobs that roam around the world at all times and attack in huge groups. They follow the players around and attack enemies when commanded. They act like foot soldiers of your army, the first layer of defense, and use hand-to-hand combat.
Compared to other mobs, they die much more easily. Fortunately, because of their hats, they do not burn in sunlight in Minecraft Legends, and they work alongside you during the night as well as the day.
2. Skeleton Mob
As the name reveals, skeletons are another undead mob from vanilla Minecraft that have found their way into this game. They are made up of bones and shoot arrows at enemies. Unlike zombies, they do not use hand-to-hand combat and are best kept at a distance from the main area of impact. Moreover, they can only shoot one arrow at a time and take some time to load the arrow back into the bow.
3. Llama
Llamas are friendly mobs that like to spit on their enemies. This spit has a good knockback but very low damage. At the moment, we are not sure how Minecraft legends will utilize this mob in action. But we expect llamas to be a portable storage option alongside combat animals.
4. Horse Mob
Horses are the primary vehicle in the world of Minecraft Legends. They are much faster than any other mob in-game and are a great way to explore the world. In terms of combat, the horse has to rely on you, the rider, for all the action. Based on the trailers so far, the horses don’t have any fighting instincts in place.
5. Creeper
Much like vanilla Minecraft, creepers are exploding mobs in Minecraft Legends that can destroy enemy structures and kill those in its blast radius. But unfortunately, every creeper also kills itself with the explosion. So, even though creepers are a one-time-use mob, they can take down many in a single go, making them highly useful in killing grunters and runts (more on them below).
6. Emerald Cavalry Golem
If horses feel too old school for a new Minecraft game, the cavalry golems have your back. They carry you around on their back and rush toward the enemies. They have extremely high movement speed but aren’t as strong. So, if they get too close to an enemy, most enemies can kill the cavalry golems in a few hits. Though, their charging and stunning ability do help delay the attack.
7. Mossy Golem
What looks like a greener baby version of Iron Golems, the mossy golems shoot water that heals allies and temporarily slows down the enemies. They are the perfect friend to get you out of a tricky situation or pull you back from the brink of death. The only drawback here is that the mossy golems take a long time to recharge, and they don’t have any way to protect themselves from attack.
8. Plank Golem
Similar to skeletons, plank golems also shoot arrow-like projectiles (from their nose?) at their enemies. But, they are much faster and can shoot multiple arrows within a short span of time. In a way, the plank golems act like a mobile turret that moves around the battlefield and shoots down enemies and structures.
9. Cobblestone Golem
Cobblestone golems are combat mobs that like to stay at the frontline. They are strong and rely heavily on melee combat. When you compare them to zombies, the cobblestone golems have higher HP, but they are also much slower. You can use them like termites to slowly but surely clear a small structure or eliminate a stronger enemy.
10. Grindstone Golem
At times, you will have to deal with a swarm of enemies in Minecraft legends. That’s where the grindstone golems will come in handy. They are powerful mobs that deal a strong knockback and push multiple enemies at once. You can use them to clear areas and delay a strong push from the enemy army.
11. First of Stone
First of Stone is one of the most powerful and possibly the largest friendly mob you can find in Minecraft Legends. It looks like a bigger version of the Grindstone Golem and hurls stones at the Nether portal. From the looks of it, this mob is primarily made for quickly destroying the portal before more Piglins can spawn. Though, it can also help you out while dealing with large groups of enemies.
12. Turtle
Spawning around water bodies and in forests, turtles in MC Legends are similar to the vanilla game. They follow you around and provide support in the war against the Nether mobs. Though, you will have to slow down a bit to make sure the turtles can keep up.
13. Ocelot
Ocelots are one of the most popular mobs in vanilla Minecraft, and they have now found their way into Minecraft Legends. They will follow the player around like other overworld mobs, but from the looks of it, their gift-giving mechanic won’t be available in this new iteration of Minecraft. Nevertheless, they are another welcoming addition to the friendly mobs that give you a break from the ever-going war between the two realms.
14. Pigs
Contrasting to the horrifying Piglins, the Minecraft Legends’ overworld pigs are cute and welcoming. They spawn in most in-game biomes and are tiny. In terms of combat, they might not be your favorite mob, but having a cute friendly pig is always good for morale.
15. Allay
Allays in Minecraft Legends are different from the vanilla game. For starters, you have two types of Allays in Minecraft Legends – yellow and blue.
Now, instead of collecting dropped items, the blue Allays break blocks in the world on your command and bring you the desired items. The yellow Allays, on the other hand, build structures like bridges and watch towers. To make Minecraft Legends truly different, the developers want you to focus on strategy more than mundane actions.
16. Regal Tiger
For the first time ever, tigers are coming to a Minecraft game, and they are absolutely adorable. These purple-colored regal tigers are the ultimate replacement for horses in Minecraft Legends. They are rideable, fast, and powerful. You can use to them easily navigate through the world and even as amazing fighters.
17. Foxes
Foxes are known for stealing items from players in vanilla Minecraft. We don’t know about their game mechanic in MC Legends yet, but we expect it to be something similar. Nevertheless, they are also going to be one of the smallest mobs in the game.
18. Wolves
If you don’t know already, wolves are one of the most supportive mobs in Minecraft. They can be used to hunt hostile mobs in the vanilla game, and it seems like not much has changed in Legends. They aggressively charge toward the Piglins and survive way longer than other simpler animal-based mobs in the battle.
Hostile Mobs in Minecraft Legends
The villains of Minecraft Legends are the mobs from the Nether dimension. As per the plot, the Piglin army uses a Nether portal to travel to the overworld and then tries to corrupt the area around the portal. All of these hostile mobs are based on pigs and vanilla Minecraft’s Piglin mobs. So let’s take a look at them:
19. Lava Launcher
The Lava Launcher is the largest mob on the team of Piglins. It is an elephant-like mob that deals strong knockback to enemies around it. But it is even more dangerous at long range. Thanks to the launcher on its back, the Lava Launcher can throw magma cubes to harm your army and even destroy structures. The best tactic to defeat it is by sending a large group of mobs, including and especially the golems and creepers, to attack the Lava Launcher in direct combat.
20. Piggo
Piggos are small boars with helmets and strong horns. They tend to run toward their enemies and bash their heads in them. The damage dealt by a Piggo won’t be huge, but they can push you into lethal situations. Moreover, a group of Piggos won’t be easy to escape in the middle of combat. The enemies can also load them with magma cube firing catapults, which sure sounds scary.
21. Portal Guard
With an extendable hammer for the left hand, the portal guard is one of the strongest Piglins in Minecraft Legends. This mob is heavily armored and hard to kill. On top of that, it uses an extendable hammer as a weapon. This hammer shoots out and deals deadly damage along with strong pushback. It is perfect to destroy groups of enemies and defensive structures.
22. Grunter Mob
Grunters are the smallest and weakest Piglins in Minecraft Legends. They are disposable mobs that act as foot soldiers to bait out the opponent’s best utility. All grunters are low on health and die easily. Though, in a large group, they can overpower weaker enemies with the help of tiny blaze rods they carry with them.
23. Runts
Similar to the grunters, the Piglin army also has runts, which are small in size but hold weapons almost as big as themselves. Grunters have terrible balance and struggle to walk without almost falling. They’re also easy to kill due to low health but, if given a chance, they can deal good damage, thanks to their oversized weapons.
24. Bruiser
Bruisers are scary-looking Piglin mobs that wield a blade in Minecraft Legends. They are extremely dangerous and should be able to kill weaker mobs in a single hit. We are yet to see the bruiser in action, but its appearance is definitely daunting.
Complete List of Minecraft Legends Mob Characters
Now that you know all about the new mobs of Minecraft Legends, it’s time to venture further. We already have a Minecraft Legends guide in place covering its gameplay and release speculations. And in case you’re not looking for a new Minecraft game, as history would have it, vanilla Minecraft might still receive features from this action-strategy game. Having said that, which of the MC Legends mobs do you want to see in the original game? Tell us in the comments below!