Meet Petey Vid, a Diverse Video Search Engine Tool

petey vid

When was the last time you got a non-YouTube search result for a video related search query you made on a search engine? I bet you don’t remember and honestly, neither do I. To avoid this natural bias in search results, enter Petey Vid, a multi-lingual privacy-focused video search engine that offers you results from a wide range of sources.

Petey Vid offers a simple, yet informative user interface. The search results are taken from various sources including social media platforms, Dailymotion, internet archives, and more. You can choose between grid view and list view to view the search results as per your preference.

As I mentioned earlier, Petey Vid is built with the user’s privacy in mind. It does not track your activity or sell user data to advertisers. Privacy enthusiasts would be happy with this one.

The video search engine lets you sort videos based on their length. There are four length options – Short (less than 5 minutes), Medium (5-20 minutes), Long (more than 20 minutes), Feature (more than 45 minutes). This way, you can easily narrow down the results based on your needs. You can also sort the videos based on the upload date if you need something specific.

With all that said, what I’m not a fan of when I tried Petey Vid is their captcha check. I tried way too many searches in a few minutes which made the website suspect if I’m a robot. While I generally hate captcha checks asking me to choose similar buildings and traffic lights, Petey Vid took it to the next level by asking me to draw patterns to pass the captcha check. Refer to the below image to get a better idea of Petey Video’s captcha check. Honestly, who has that level of patience for a simple search result?

Meet Petey Vid, a Diverse Video Search Engine Tool

Other than that, Petey Vid worked quite fine to get a diverse collection of videos from sources I almost forgot the existence of. Check out Petey Vid from the link below and let us know your thoughts on it in the comments.

Check-out Petey Vid

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