Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 can be a hard game at the start, but as you progress and unlock the correct perks, the game becomes much more manageable. But which perks to unlock? There are over two hundred perks in KCD 2, and each one plays a distinct role. Although you should always pick perks based on your play style, certain perks are still too good to leave out. To make your life easier, we have compiled a list of the best KCD 2 perks you should get. So, with that, let’s begin!
1. Tight Grip

- Perk Parent: Strength
- Minimum Level: 10
- Effect: The higher your Strength skill, the easier it’ll be for you to knock someone out or kill them stealthily.
This is one of the early and best KCD 2 strength perks you can pick, and it provides insane value in the mid-to-late game. Players that like a stealthy approach will prefer this perk from the strength tree, making it easier to knock down and stealth kill enemies.
2. Nimble Stance
- Perk Parent: Agility
- Minimum Level: 8
- Effect: Dodges cost you 40% less stamina.
Nimble Stance is one of the best early combat-related perks in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. It reduces stamina cost for dodges by 40% and requires only eight levels of agility. Dodging is really strong in combat, especially if you are wielding one-handed swords or in unarmed combat.
3. Ranger Run
- Perk Parent: Agility
- Minimum Level: 10
- Effect: After 10 seconds of fast sprinting, you will briefly get a big bonus on stamina recovery. When you slow down afterward, you’ll quickly regain your strength and can start running again.
Ranger Run is another great early-game KCD 2 agility perk that allows you to run a little bit further without waiting to catch your breath. With Henry not having his horse in the early game, this perk becomes quite useful for traveling long distances or chasing down enemies.
4. Next to Godliness
- Perk Parent: Vitality
- Minimum Level: 10
- Effect: Washing at a tub or pier or bathing in a bathhouse will cure 10 points of your health. Plus, if you go to bed clean, you’ll heal 25% faster while you sleep.
Next to Godliness is undoubtedly one of the best perks in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, and it only requires 10 levels of vitality. This perk essentially allows Henry to heal by 10 points of health for washing at a tub or pier, which means free healing after every combat as you will have blood all over you. This perk is a cheap healing alternative in early to mid-game, especially when running short on Groschen for the Bathhouse services.
5. Revenant I and II
- Perk Parent: Vitality
- Minimum Level: 14/20
- Effect: Your health will gradually regenerate up to 50/75 health points. This effect does not apply if you are in combat or bleeding.
Revenant is another great passive vitality perk, which will be obtainable in mid-game for most players. This perk regenerates Henry’s health out of combat, saving his healing potions and money in the process.
6. Silver Tongue
- Perk Parent: Speech
- Minimum Level: 6
- Effect: You get a +4 Speech bonus when haggling, making it easier to negotiate better prices.
Haggling is a great method to save money while purchasing from merchants. However, it can also fail, leaving you with a bad reputation with the merchant. That’s why Silver Tongue is one of the best early game speech perks you should get in KCD 2.
7. Jack of All Trades
- Perk Parent: Speech
- Minimum Level: 10
- Effect: You get a bonus of +2 to skill checks. You’ll also get twice the amount of experience from these skill checks.
Jack of All Trades is a perk with insane value and no extra requirements. This perk gives +2 to all Skill Checks and twice the amount of experience from these checks. A flat +2 to all skill checks is a massive buff for Henry, allowing him to pass Skill Checks much more efficiently. Also, this skill has a minimum level requirement of only 10.
8. Local Hero
- Perk Parent: Main Level
- Minimum Level: 10
- Effect: If you are in an area with a good reputation (60 or more), you gain a +2 bonus on Strength, Agility, Vitality, and Speech.
Another great Speech perk is Local Hero, which gives a bonus +2 on Strength, Agility, Vitality, and Speech when in an area with a good reputation, which will be most areas unless you are taking the criminal route.
9. Martin’s Heritage
- Perk Parent: Main Level
- Minimum Level: 10
- Effect: You will improve faster in Sword Fighting, Crafting, and Survival skills, as all experience gained will be 10% higher.
Martin’s Heritage is a great perk for improving your Sword Fighting, Crafting, and Survival Skills. I consider these three skills very important in the game, so having a perk that levels them up quicker is always going to be a top pick for me.
10. Night Crawler
- Perk Parent: Main Level
- Minimum Level: 12
- Effect: At night, you have a +2 bonus on Strength, Agility, and Vitality and a +3 bonus on Stealth.
If you like doing night-time shenanigans in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, then Night Crawler is the best perk you can get for Henry. This perk gives him an additional +2 on Strength, Agility, and Vitality and a +3 bonus on Stealth at night.
11. Secret of Equilibrium I
- Perk Parent: Alchemy
- Minimum Level: 8
- Effect: The brewing process will be more tolerant of minor errors, making it easier to achieve better quality potions.
If you want to craft potions and succeed in missions related to Alchemy, then the Secret of Equilibrium I is an amazing perk. It is available at level 8, making the brewing process more tolerant of minor errors. This way, even if you make some mistakes while creating a potion, it will still give you a good result.
12. Dark Arts Apprentice
- Perk Parent: Alchemy
- Minimum Level: 12
- Effect: When brewing potions between midnight and dawn (o:oo – 4:30), you’ll work better – the whole process will be less susceptible to minor mistakes, and you’ll more easily achieve a higher quality product. In addition, you have a +2 bonus on Coercion, Domination, and Intimidation stats when talking to commoners.
Dark Arts Apprentice is one of the best perks in KCD 2, as it increases the quality of potions brewed between midnight and dawn and gives a bonus to Coercion, Domination, and Intimidation stats against commoners.
13. Locksmith
- Perk Parent: Craftsmanship
- Minimum Level: 12
- Effect: When picking locks, your Thievery skill will count as three higher, which will be much easier. Plus, you can also use scrap iron, so you’ll get an extra 1-3 lockpicks for each item you successfully forge.
For players who like to pick every lock in the game, the locksmith perk is perfect for the craftsmanship skill tree. This perk makes it easier to pick locks, and it also gives extra lockpicks when successfully forging items.
14. Martin’s Secret
- Perk Parent: Craftsmanship
- Minimum Level: 16
- Effect: Now, you can forge weapons of the fourth, i.e., the highest quality. Weapons of this quality cannot be obtained in any other way than by forging them yourself, and their strength and effectiveness are unmatched.
Martin’s Secret is the dream perk for all players who love crafting their own weapons in the game. This perk allows you to craft the highest quality of weapons in the game, which can only be obtained by forging weapons while having this perk.
15. Charming Companion
- Perk Parent: Houndmaster
- Minimum Level: 10
- Effect: When you have your dog with you, your Charisma is increased by 3.
The Charming Companion perk in the Houndmaster skill tree is great once you find Mutt in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. It gives a +3 to Charisma when your dog is with you, which is basically all the time if you use the Heel command.
16. Hellhound
- Perk Parent: Houndmaster
- Minimum Level: 10
- Effect: If you have your dog with you, you will appear more threatening and tough to others. This will show in the Presence and Intimidation skill checks, but also in combat, as enemies are more likely to give up or run away. And if they don’t, they’ll have a harder time fighting you.
Hellhound is another great perk from the Houndmaster skill tree, as it makes you look more threatening with Mutt beside you, giving you better Presence and Intimidation checks. In combat, enemies will have a harder time fighting you and are likelier to give up or run away.
17. Liberal Arts
- Perk Parent: Scholarship
- Minimum Level: 10
- Effect: You can recognize the difficulty of skill checks but not your chances of succeeding. You’ll still have to decide for yourself whether it’s worth the risk. The effect of your reputation isn’t considered in the displayed difficulty.
The Liberal Arts perk will make your conversation Skill checks a lot more favorable. You will finally get to see which conversation skill checks you are more likely to pass, giving players a better opportunity to pick the approach they should use.
18. Explorer
- Perk Parent: Scholarship
- Minimum Level: 18
- Effect: The entire map shows all settlements, fast travel spots, hunting grounds, caves, and other interesting places.
This is one of the best perks in KCD 2, as it completely reveals the entire map. It has a high-level requirement, so don’t expect to reach it early on in the game. Having the entire map revealed with Fast Travel points unlocked is extremely useful in a game like KCD 2 with limited Fast Travel.
19. Flower Power
- Perk Parent: Survival
- Minimum Level: 8
- Effect: If you have more than 30 fresh or dried herbs (not spoiled) in your inventory, your Charisma will count as two more.
Flower Power is one of the best early-game perks for increasing your charisma. Simply add 30 or more dried herbs to your inventory, which won’t become spoiled. This will give a minimum of two Charisma increase, which is great for conversation Skill checks.
20. Leshy I and II
- Perk Parent: Survival
- Minimum Level: 12/20
- Effect: While in the forest, your scent will be halved, your stamina will recover 15%/25% faster, your Strength, Vitality, and Agility will be increased by 1/2, and your Stealth skill will be increased by 2/4.
A large part of the Trosky region in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is forest area, making the Leshy I and II perks extremely useful. It will allow you to fight much more easily in forests, as well as increase your travel speed.
21. Silent Fiddler
- Perk Parent: Thievery
- Minimum Level: 6
- Effect: You’re almost silent when using a lockpick, and if it happens to break, the sound will be 75 % quieter.
Silent Fiddler is a necessary perk for players who like lockpicking. It reduces the sound made by lockpicking by a lot and also decreases the sound of a lockpick breaking by 75%. This perk is perfect if you want to lockpick chests while having other NPCs nearby.
22. Rapid Flight
- Perk Parent: Thievery
- Minimum Level: 8
- Effect: If you fail to return through the doorway box successfully during the thieving minigame, you won’t steal anything, but your victim won’t notice you. After using the perk, the effect will have a three-minute cooldown before it can be used again.
Rapid Flight is a must-have perk from the Thievery Skill tree in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 if you like pickpocketing. This will allow players to have a free pass at a failed pickpocketing attempt, which, in other words, can lead to a hefty fine and even jail time.
23. Thief’s Eyes
- Perk Parent: Thievery
- Minimum Level: 10
- Effect: You can tell which stolen items are considered stolen in the location you’re currently in. The red hand icon indicates items considered stolen in our current location. The grey hand indicates those that are not considered stolen. Such items can be sold to a merchant without worry, and guards won’t confiscate them.
If you like stealing and selling things for easy money, you must get Thief’s Eyes perk in KCD 2. This perk allows you to easily identify which items are considered stolen in which area, allowing you to sell them at the proper place without a second thought.
24. Against All Odds
- Perk Parent: Warfare
- Minimum Level: 8
- Effect: When fighting against superior numbers, you gain a +2 bonus on Strength. Agility, and Warfare skills.
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is not a fair game, and Henry often faces multiple enemies. When this happens, having the Against All Odds perk can be a blessing, as it gives a +2 bonus on Strength, Agility, and Warfare skills, making the combat slightly easier.
25. River
- Perk Parent: Warfare
- Minimum Level: 10
- Effect: Whenever you make a dodge, a perfect dodge, or a sprint during combat, you gain a +3 bonus on Warfare skill, and your stamina replenishes 15 % faster. The effect lasts for 10 seconds.
Players who love to dodge or sprint during combat to create distance will love the River perk. It gives a +3 Bonus on Warfare skill, also replenishing Stamina 15% faster when dodging or sprinting during combat for 10 seconds. By far, this is one of the best KCD 2 perks to get.
26. Showtime
- Perk Parent: Swords
- Minimum Level: 8
- Effect: After performing a sword combo or a master strike, you instantly regain some of your stamina and can attack again!
Sword combos and Master Strike are the fundamental combat mechanics for winning fights in KCD 2. This is why having the Showtime perk is great, as it instantly helps Henry gain Stamina after performing a Master Strike or combo.
27. Magister Dimicator
- Perk Parent: Swords
- Minimum Level: 14
- Effect: When you perform a combo, you gain +5 to your Swordsmanship skill, making subsequent attacks easier to perform and more powerful. The effect lasts for 30 seconds.
Magister Dimicator is another great Sword perk, giving Henry +5 to Swordsmanship after performing a combo. This makes the subsequent attacks more powerful and allows the players to end the fight quicker.
28. Menacing Presence
- Perk Parent: Heavy Weapons
- Minimum Level: 12
- Effect: When clad in armor and equipped with a heavy weapon, enemies are more likely to flee or surrender. And if they dare to face you, it will be harder for them to fight you. It’s also easier to succeed in Might and Dread skillcheck.
Menacing Presence is one of the best perks of Heavy Weapons, as it makes enemies flee or surrender more quickly when you are clad in armor and equipped with a heavy weapon. With Heavy weapons dealing serious damage with each hit, this perk will help you end the fight a lot quicker.
29. No Pain, No Gain
- Perk Parent: Unarmed
- Minimum Level: 8
- Effect: When fighting unarmed, you will gain 15 % more experience in Strength, Agility, and Vitality.
No Pain No Gain is the perfect perk to excuse your unhand brawls in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. Being in Unarmed combat with this perk will make Strength, Agility, and Vitality stats gain 10% more experience.
30. Sandman
- Perk Parent: Unarmed
- Minimum Level: 12
- Effect: It’ll generally be easier for you to knock out or to stealth kill someone.
Sandman is easily one of the best Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 perks for stealth players. This perk allows you to knockdown or stealth kill enemies much more quickly. This perk can be very useful with knockdown and stealth kill checks, which often have a narrow time window.
So, these are the best perks in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, and getting them will make your playthrough a lot easier than normal. If we missed out on any perk you like, tell us in the comments and why we should have added it to the list.