In Roblox Fisch, you are going to need money to buy fishing rods, bait crates, and other items like Fish Radar, GPS, and so on. So, you need to find a good fishing spot where you can find lots of high-valued fish since selling fish is the primary source of getting in-game cash. However, to a newbie, it can all quickly get confusing. Well, we wanted some dough, too, so let us help you out. With that, let’s talk about the best ways to make money fast in Fisch here.
1. Find the Best Fishing Spots
Currently, the two locations in Fisch, namely the Cryogenic Canal and the Grand Reef are best for catching the most lucrative fishes in the game. The Cryogenic Canal in the Northern Expedition gives you a great chance to catch the mythical fish Aurora Trout and Glacial Sturgeon at night.
While the Grand Reef beside the Forsaken Shores is home to the mythical Grand Reef Guardian and the legendary Coral Emperor. These two fishes can be caught during any weather, time, and season. So, you have a good opportunity to save up some money for the next big Atlantis update in Fisch.
The next best fishing location for money in Roblox Fisch is The Depths. Here, you will find the Small Spine Chimera, Nautilius, and Ancient Eel as the Legendary options. While the mythical fishes in this region are Barreleye fish, Mutated Shark, and Sea Snake. Finally, here you might catch the Exotic Ancient Depth Serpent that occurs during the absolute darkness event
Another good option is the Ancient Isles, specifically in front of the waterfall on the western part of the island. Here, you will find fishes like Dunkleosteus, Ginsu Shark, Helicoprion, Mosasaurus, and even a few Colossal Squids if you are lucky enough.
Now, if you have just started playing the game and you have nothing the Steady Rod, the Roslit Bay, and the Forsaken Shores should be best for you.
At Roslit Bay, the Coral Reefs are best for catching Manta Rays and Dumbo Octopuses. Lastly, the fountain pond at Forsaken Shores gives you a high chance of catching the Captain’s Goldfish.
2. Pick the Best Rods
If you are an endgame player, then the best fishing rod to go for is the Rod of the Eternal King with the Hasty enchantment. It has a great passive ability to give 20% of the fish caught a Greedy mutation, increasing the sale value of fish by 4 times. Moreover, this rod gives you the biggest luck boost in the game, helping you to catch some of the high-tier fish very easily.
Other endgame rods like the Rod of the Forgotten Fang, the Heaven’s Rod, and the No-Life Rod are also some good options. However, you must enchant this rod with the Quantum and Hasty as required to get the best out of them
Now, if you are a late mid-game player, then the best option for making money remains the Rod of the Depths, the Trident Rod. The Rod of the Depths gives you great Lure Speed and bonus fishes, while the Trident rod helps you gain some extra money with its Atlantean mutation.
There is one unique rod in the game called the Auric Rod, that has a passive ability to give fishes a certain mutation that can increase their value by 2-6x. This is a good option to consider if you have one by opening the Sunken Chests.
Players who have reached the mid-game (around levels 25-50) can choose from the following – Mythical Rod or the Aurora Rod. Both these rods provide really impressive mutations that increase the sale value of fish by 4.5 and 6.5 times, respectively.
Finally, for beginners, I recommend saving up enough money to get the Steady Rod for 7000 cash at Roslit Bay. Do not buy anything before this if you focus solely on making money and leveling up.
3. Best Enchantments to Get
As we have discussed the best fishing rods for making money in the game, you might need to tweak them slightly to maximize your gain. Here, enchantments will be useful since they boost up a certain stat where your rod lacks.
The best enchantment in fish that multiplies your cash inflow is the Quantum and the Abyssal. The former can be obtained only through the Exalted Relics. It gives a 25% chance to get fish with Subspace mutation, increasing their value by 5x.
Whereas the latter has a 10% chance of giving your fish the Abyssal mutation (3.5x sale value). This can be obtained using the normal Enchant Relics. Furthermore, you may test and see what enchantments suit your rod the best and give you the highest cash.
For instance, try enchanting the Rod of the Eternal King and the Heaven’s Rod with Hasty and see the difference. Simply use a bait with high Lure Speed, and you can reel high-tier fishes almost instantaneously. For the Rod of the Forgotten Fang and the Rod of the Depths, the Hasty, Quantum, or Abyssal enchantment can work the best.
While the No-Life Rod can give you loads of cash when enchanted with Quantum, you may use the Resilient Enchantment for the Trident Rod, the Mythical Rod, and the Aurora Rod. Finally, if you want to enchant your Steady Rod, go with the Hasty Enchantment. However, its not recommended to do so, you may rather go for a higher tier rod.
4. Mutations with the Highest Multipliers
An important aspect of Roblox Fisch is the Mutations. You may either catch a fish with a certain mutation, or you can appraise their value at Moosewood, which has a chance of giving your fish a certain mutation. But why do you need to keep an eye out for this thing?
The reason is that a mutated fish sells for more than the usual one, and certain mutations can increase the sale value of a fish by up to 6.5 times. So, look out for the rods that provides any mutation as its passive ability, say for instance Trident Rod gives 30% of your fishes an Atlantean mutation. This will increase the sale value by 3 times the usual value of the fish.

Keep in mind, higher the mutation multiplier and higher the chances to catch fishes with that mutation, gives you a much better gain. So, considering two rods, the No-Life Rod and the Rod of the Eternal King, you can get more cash if you use the latter.
This is because the Hexed mutation from the No-Life Rod only increases the value by 1.5 times. Meanwhile, the Greedy mutation from the Rod of the Eternal King increases the value by 4 times.
5. Look out for Money Making Events
The Aurora Borealis event is by far the best in Fisch as it multiplies your luck sixfold. This way, you can easily catch the higher-tier fish frequently. Another way to manually perform an Aurora Borealis event is by using the Aurora Totem found in the cave beside the Brine Pool in Desolate Deep.
However, buying a single totem costs 500,000 cash and is not profitable if you do this alone. Bring at least 5 friends in the server and ask each one of them to buy the Totem and spam them continuously to gain some profit.

The next best event is the Mutation Surge, which can increase the chances of catching a Mutated fish by 15%. Once this event occurs, you may either start catching fish with a rod that provides a nice passive or bring some of your high-tier fish to Moosewood to appraise their value. During this event, you will have the best chance to give your fish a better mutation.
The Night of the Luminous increases the chances of catching Sparkling fishes by 10%, while the Night of the Fireflies increases the chances of catching Nocturnal fishes by 2 times. The Shiny surge and Eclipse don’t provide much value since the former increases your chances of catching the Shiny mutated fish by 3% while the latter gives a small chance of catching fish with Scorched mutation (1.3x value).
So, these were some tips on getting some of the most lucrative fish and earning money easily in Roblox Fisch. Let us know in the comments below if you have something extra to add.