The major problem with building a house in Minecraft or any other structure is the lack of blocks. Each structure needs a variety of blocks, and blocks of some colors can be much harder to find than others. If this sounds like a relatable situation, you are the perfect spot. We are covering how to make concrete in Minecraft in this guide, and you can get this building block in 16 unique colors. Moreover, the crafting ingredients of this block are easy to find. So, with enough time, concrete can easily become the only building material for your Minecraft house ideas. With that said, let’s dive into the process and figure out how to make concrete in Minecraft.
Make Concrete in Minecraft (2022)
Even though it’s easy to make, concrete has some unique gameplay mechanics in place, including colors and gravity. So, we have divided our guide into several sections to cover every detail of concrete. But you can use the table below to skip to its crafting process.
What is Concrete in Minecraft
Similar to the real-world, concrete is a building block in Minecraft. It has 16 color variants, just like wool, but concrete is not flammable. As for the colors, half of them are bright while the other half look a little gloomy. Such a unique range makes concrete the perfect building material for a variety of structures.

When compared to other building blocks, concrete has a cleaner and smoother texture. And since it doesn’t get affected by the game’s gravity, you can have concrete blocks floating in the air too. But it also has a gravitational variation with a powdery look. More on that later.
Colors of Concrete in Minecraft

You can make concrete blocks in the following colors using different dyes:
- Black Concrete
- Red Concrete
- Green Concrete
- Brown Concrete
- Blue Concrete
- Purple Concrete
- Cyan Concrete
- Light Gray Concrete
- Gray Concrete
- Pink Concrete
- Lime Concrete
- Yellow Concrete
- Light Blue Concrete
- Magenta Concrete
- Orange Concrete
- White Concrete
Items You Need to Make Concrete
To make concrete in Minecraft, you first have to craft concrete powder, which requires the following items:
- Four blocks of gravel
- Four blocks of sand
- One dye of the desired color
You can find gravel and sand blocks around and at the surface of water bodies. Rivers are the best spot to find them. You don’t even need a tool to break them. Meanwhile, any dye can be crafted by placing the related item in the crafting area. You can use Minecraft Wiki to find a complete list of dyes and their ingredients.
Minecraft Concrete Crafting Recipe
Once the concrete powder is ready, you can use water to convert it into a block of concrete. Follow these steps to easily make concrete in Minecraft:
1. First, open your crafting table and place the dye in the first cell of the crafting area in the topmost row. Then, place two sand blocks next to it. Next, place two more sand blocks in the first two cells of the middle row followed by a gravel block. Finally, fill the bottom row with gravel blocks to finish the recipe.

2. The above-mentioned recipe will get you concrete powder. It is similar to concrete and is also a building block. But it is prone to the gravity of the game. So, unlike concrete, it won’t stay floating in the air if there’s no block beneath it.

3. In order to convert concrete powder to concrete block, you have to get it in contact with water. You can place the block inside water or pour water around a set of concrete powder blocks. Then, within seconds, all the concrete powder blocks will turn into concrete blocks. The change in texture is a clear indication of the successful conversion.

Frequently Asked Questions
Do I Need Water Buckets to Make Concrete?
You can use a water bucket or blocks of water (any) to convert concrete powder into concrete. But this process doesn’t work with rain, cauldrons, or water bottles.
Can You Get Concrete in Survival Minecraft?
You can easily make concrete blocks, even in survival mode, using concrete powder. To make concrete powder, you require 3 ingredients, including four blocks of gravel, four blocks of sand, and one dye of the desired color. Then, you can follow the crafting recipe in our guide for making concrete powder. When you place these blocks in water, they turn into concrete blocks with a change in texture.
When was Concrete Added to Minecraft?
Concrete was added to Minecraft in the 1.12 update.
How Many Colors Does Concrete Have?
In Minecraft, concrete can have 16 traditional dye colors.
Make Concrete and Build Houses in Minecraft
With that, we have unlocked the power of all the blocks you need to make your base packed within a single block. With the knowledge of how to make concrete in Minecraft, you can save hours in the building process. The only less abundant part of its recipe is the dye. But if you know your way around the Minecraft biomes, you can get plenty of dyes in no time. But if somehow, even these 16 colors of concrete aren’t enough, use the best Minecraft mods to expand the collection exponentially. However, if you’re someone who’s looking for ideas to make the best out of the limited supply, the best Minecraft adventure maps can give you plenty of creative ideas. With that said, which is your favorite color when it comes to Minecraft concrete blocks? Tell us in the comments below!