How to Get Wool in Lego Fortnite

In Short
  • In LEGO Fortnite, you can get two types of wool: common wool and heavy wool by petting sheep or rams, respectively.
  • You can find sheep in the grasslands biome and rams in the winter biome in LEGO Fortnite.
  • Both types of wool help you craft wool threads, which can then be used to make valuable charms and totems.

Textile materials have always been a part of survival games, and wool is one key component in that category. There are two kinds of wool available in LEGO Fortnite, and they’re not just used to make beds, like in Minecraft. In this game, you can only get wool from sheep and rams. As long as you do not hit these friendly animals, you can get as much wool from them as you want. So, let’s learn how you can get common and heavy wool in LEGO Fortnite.

Get Wool in LEGO Fortnite

Let us start with common wool, as it’s the easiest to come across in the game. In the grasslands, you just need to look for white sheep. These white sheep will give you common wool when you pet them. To pet a sheep in LEGO Fortnite, follow these steps:

  • First, walk up to a sheep and look at it until the pet option pops up.
  • Now, press the interact button (E on PC, Square on PS, X on Xbox).
  • After an animation, the sheep will drop wool. You can walk over it to automatically claim it, or you can look at the wool and press the interact button.
  • Pet sheep in LEGO Fortnite
  • Get wool


You can carry upto 30 wool in one stack. Petting a sheep one time will give you one wool. You can pet the sheep again right away but It will take upto 4-5 minutes for the same sheep to give you another wool.

Get Heavy Wool in LEGO Fortnite

Finding heavy wool can be difficult in LEGO Fortnite as it can only be obtained through petting the rams. Rams can only be found in the winter biome on the map and look like grey sheep. Even in colder locations, you will need to look for them as they have an uncommon rarity of spawning.

Rams also tend to be faster than sheep, so beware of them running away. Keep some warm stuff like hot peppers before entering the cold biome, chasing the rams. Once you find the rams, you can get heavy wool by petting them. Here’s how:

  • First, walk up to a ram and press the interact button (E on PC, Square on PS, X on Xbox) to pet the mob.
  • After an animation, the ram will drop heavy wool (grey color) in LEGO Fortnite.
  • You can walk over it to automatically claim it, or you can look at the heavy wool and press the interact button.
  • Pet Ram in LEGO Fortnite
  • Get heavy wool


You can carry upto 30 heavy wool in one stack. Petting a ram one time will give you one heavy wool. You can pet the ram again right away but It will take upto 4-5 minutes for the same ram to give you another heavy wool.

Uses of Wool in LEGO Fortnite

Similar to resources like knotroot and marbles, wool will also help you craft some essential tools in LEGO Fortnite. The common and heavy wool lets you make wool thread using the Spinning Wheel in the game.

With the common and heavy wool threads, you can craft Health Charms, Totem of the Immortal, Cool-headed Charms, and Hearty Totem. These charms and totems increase your health bar and save you from extreme hot or cold conditions. So, make sure you follow our tips and get yourself wool to craft those important resources.

Now that you know how to find both common and heavy wool, craft fabrics using the wools. Drop your comments below if you have any questions regarding any other resources in LEGO Fortnite.

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