At first, Queen Rhaenyra and her followers, Team Black, were at a serious disadvantage since they had many powerful dragons on their side but no one to ride. Today’s penultimate episode, however, shows how drastically things have changed since each dragon found a master. Let us take a look at all of Team Black’s dragons and their riders in this guide, as Rhaenyra’s dragon squad is up and ready!
Spoilers Warning: This article contains spoilers from Fire & Blood along with some information that has not yet been revealed in House of the Dragon.
This guide includes both the active and fallen dragons of Team Black in House of the Dragon. That said, let’s begin flying:
1. Syrax

- Dragonrider: Rhaenyra Targaryen
The first dragon we have here is none other than Queen Rhaenyra’s ride, Syrax. It is a yellow female dragon with green eyes, and it was given the name after the Valyrian deity. As everyone is aware, Queen Rhaenyra is the real successor to Viserys Targaryen and Syrax will be assisting in her battle to claim the throne against the Greens. As the queen is being restrained from stepping into the battle, her dragon Syrax also suffers from this decision. This keeps Syrax from getting the necessary battle experience before they go into an all-out war.
2. Caraxes

- Dragonrider: Daemon Targaryen
As befits the fearsome Prince Daemon Targaryen, he soars on the renowned Caraxes, a male dragon in House of the Dragon. It resembles a serpent with yellow eyes and horns growing out of his chin. Because of his red scales, Caraxes has been nicknamed the Blood Wyrm. Caraxes previously belonged to Princess Rhaenys’ father, Aemon Targaryen. As a result, it is one of the oldest and fearsome dragons in the show and is in the hands of the menacing Daemon.
3. Vermax

- Dragonrider: Jacaerys Velaryon
Queen Rhaenyra’s firstborn son, Jacaerys Velaryon rides the olive-greenish dragon known as Vermax. He trained Vermax from the beginning, so it was clear that they shared a bond from an early age. Vermax has grown into a much bigger dragon now, however, it still lacks the battle experience when compared to the other dragons in Team Black. That said, we will see the young prince and his youthful dragon’s actions very soon.
4. Moondancer

- Dragonrider: Baela Targaryen
Baela Targaryen, the eldest daughter of Daemon Targaryen and Lady Laena Velaryon, mounts the Moondancer in the show. Moondancer has recently gained popularity among fans due to its aquatic appearance, which includes pale green skin and black stripes. Similar to Jacaerys, Baela formed a bond with this female dragon from a young age. Moondancer is also known as Hūrlilio in High Valyrian. In comparison to others, Moondancer is a lean dragon but this greatly helps her in remaining extremely agile in the battle.
5. Seasmoke

- Dragonrider: Addam of Hull
Ser Laenor Velaryon, the first son of Lord Corlys and also the former husband of Queen Rhaenyra had the mighty Seasmoke by his side. However, after he flees, Seasmoke is left without a master. Now, in the second season, while the Queen was desperately searching for a master for the remaining dragons, Seasmoke has chosen its master himself. Addam Hull is the love child of Lord Corlys and as he desired, a new grand purpose came knocking his doors. Now that he is part of Team Black, we have to wait and see how the silver-grey dragon is going to dominate.
6. Vermithor

- Dragonrider: Hugh Hammer
Vermithor is feared to be the next-biggest and oldest dragon in House of the Dragon, after Vhagar. Vermithor stayed in the dragon lair at Dragonstone after the old king Jaehaerys I Targaryen used to rule with him. In season 2 episode 7, Vermithor was conquered by none other than the old king’s illegitimate grandson, Hugh Hammer. While the Greens have Vhagar by their side, Team Black gained a near-equal and supreme dragon Vermithor by their side, thanks to Hugh.
7. Silverwing

- Dragonrider: Ulf the White
While the old king Jaehaerys I Targaryen had Vermithor by his side, his wife, Queen Alysanne Targaryen, had Vermithor’s partner, Silverwing. Silverwing is a female dragon, and as the name suggests, it was silvery in color and remained together with Vermithor inside the lair. It is mentioned in the books that Silverwing was a much calmer and more friendly dragon, unlike the other fiery dragons we have met. Now, this dormant dragon was claimed by Ulf White, the half-brother of Viserys and Daemon. With her new dragon rider, let’s patiently wait to see how this older dragon is going to unleash its power.
8. Tyraxes

- Dragonrider: Joffrey Velaryon
Each son of Queen Rhaenyra was bestowed with a dragon egg by her father, King Viserys. As the elder brothers received Vermax and Arrax, the third and youngest son, Joffrey Velaryon, got Tyraxes. If you remember right, Tyraxes, Stormcloud, and the remaining eggs were entrusted to Rhaena Targaryen earlier. Thus, Joffrey bonded with Tyraxes and will eventually grow bigger in size over time. Moreover, we will get to see Tyraxes in action soon in the future as well.
9. Stormcloud

- Dragonrider: Aegon Targaryen
Aegon Targaryen, commonly known as ‘Aegon the Younger’, is the first son of Daemon Targaryen and the fourth son of Queen Rhaenyra. This young prince was bestowed with a tiny dragon called Stormcloud, and he will establish a bond with it as time goes by. Aegon will grow alongside his dragon, and we have to wait to learn more about this little dragon.
10. Morning

- Dragonrider: Rhaena Targaryen
Baela Targaryen had Moondancer by her side but her youngest sister, Lady Rhaena Targaryen, couldn’t forge a bond with any of the dragons. She couldn’t claim her mother’s dragon Vhagar as well and trying to obtain other remaining dragons nearly got her killed. This made her sad and she yearned to get a dragon and become its rider one day. This will eventually turn into reality in the future as one of the eggs she carried with her to Vale will hatch. Then, she is bound to form a bond with a new pink-colored dragon which will be called the Morning. I’m excited to see how the pink dragon is going to be in the show. However, in recent episodes, showrunners are seemingly setting up Sheepstealer for Baela. Sheepstealer is a wild, untamed dragon that resides in Vale.
11. Meleys

- Dragonrider: Rhaenys Targaryen
The Queen Who Never Was, Rhaenys, had a powerful dragon Meleys by her side. It was popularly known as the Red Queen and one of the fastest dragons of all time. Meleys used to be the ride of Princess Alyssa Targaryen (mother of Viserys and Daemon) but after her death, Meleys chose Rhaenys instead of Daemon who attempted to become her dragon rider. Meleys was an experienced dragon but got killed by Vhagar along with her master Rhaenys during the Dance of the Dragon earlier.
12. Arrax

- Dragonrider: Lucerys Velaryon
Lucerys Velaryon, the second son of Queen Rhaenyra shared a bond with Arrax similar to how his brothers had Vermax and Tyraxes. He was announced the heir to Driftmark but unfortunately, he and his dragon turned out to be the first victims of Dance of the Dragons. When Lucerys and Arrax went to deliver a message to Lord Borros Baratheon, they were attacked by Aemond and his dragon Vhagar which killed them eventually.
These are all the currently active and deceased dragons who were part of Team Black now. The dragon squad of Queen Rhaenyra is massively increased and is all set to wage war against the Greens to claim the throne soon. That said, which is your favorite dragon and dragon rider in the show? Let us know in the comments below.