In most cases, games and apps don’t really give you real money for playing a few sessions or contributing content to their platform, but Hive Work app is looking to change that. Hive pays you small amounts for performing menial tasks for AI and automated systems.
Hive Work assigns you jobs which other AI-centric companies want you to perform such as labeling large portions of text, images and other categories. Your input helps build machine learning systems and teach computers concepts that would otherwise require many hours of human labor.
You may not know this, but you already do this for Google by solving RECAPTCHA problems, which has helped the company build its AI empire, so why not make a few bucks out of it with this app?
In Hive Work, you may be asked to determine whether the images shown match a particular keyword, or whether an image contains just text, no text or a mix of text and images. You will also be asked to point out whether a shown image matches a certain criteria; for example, Hive Work asks you whether a driver in an image is looking left, right or whether there’s no driver at all. This helps automated driving systems understand other human drivers on the road.
Once you download Hive Work, you’ll have to link your PayPal account so that the pay out is sent directly to your account. The app promises to pay out every $40 to your Paypal account for you to withdraw, and you also get a few cents for earning training badges which you need to take up tasks.
Do keep in mind that you aren’t going to earn a lot by doing these tasks. Most payment varies between 50 cents to 3 dollars for performing 1000 or more tasks, so it’s not like this can replace your job. That also explains why many of the reviews come down hard on the app – it’s not an app to replace your primary income, but it can be a good way for college students to pad up their accounts.
It’s also a good way to kill time without playing silly match-3 games or shooting away at PUBG, while also contributing to the development of AI and also earn a few bucks along the way.
- Download Hive Work (Google Play Store; App Store)