In an effort to assure citizens that the Aarogya Setu app doesn’t pose any risk to their online privacy, the Indian government on Monday issued a new set of guidelines for processing of data collected through the controversial contact-tracing software and even proposed jail terms for violators. The new guidelines not only prohibit the storage of Aarogya Setu data for more than six months, there’s also a provision for people to seek deletion of their data from the record within 30 days of making such a request.
The fresh guidelines, which lay down rules on the handling of data by various health and security agencies tasked with controlling the pandemic, also limits what exact information can be collected through the new app. According to the PTI, the new guidelines allow the collection of only demographic, contact, self-assessment and location data of persons infected by the coronavirus or those who come in contact with the infected person.
The data can also be shared with universities for research purposes, but only after removing all personally-identifiable details. According to the guidelines: “Any violation of these directions may lead to penalties as per section 51 to 60 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 and other legal provisions as may be applicable”.
Talking to the PTI, Ajay Prakash Sawhney, the Secretary of the Ministry of Electronics and IT, said that “privacy is an important aspect of Aarogya Setu”. According to him, “(A) lot of work has been done over data privacy. A good privacy policy has been made to ensure that personal data of people are not misused … We provide these information to check an area from becoming a hotspot. Privacy is an important aspect of Aarogya Setu”.
The latest developments come just days after famed security researcher, Baptiste Robert, claimed that the Aarogya Setu app has severe security loopholes that could have potentially exposed the exact location of 90 million users. According to Robert, not only does the app allows for continuous location tracking in the background, it also allows anyone to see the concentration of COVID-positive or COVID-suspected people within up to a 10km radius. The government, however, has denied all allegations, claiming that the issues pointed out by the researcher are included in the app ‘by design’.