I have finished Dragon’s Dogma 2 and now there is nothing left to do in the game. What should I do now? Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a big game with a ton of side quests that only trigger after the player increases their affinity with the NPCs. Still, many players have already finished the game and are now lost on what to do next. Dragon’s Dogma 2 lacks a hard mode and the new game plus doesn’t make the enemies stronger like Soulsborne games do. But there is still a lot you can do in Dragon’s Dogma 2 after finishing the game. So, here are 5 more things you can do after finishing Dragon’s Dogma 2.
1. Finish the Game with the Trickster Vocation
The Trickster Vocation is a complete pacifist class and doesn’t deal any damage by itself. The vocation is geared toward buffing your Pawns and tricking enemies into jumping to their deaths. I am sure most of the player base avoided playing a Trickster on their first playthrough.

However, Trickster is such a fun vocation and changes the entire dynamic of playing Dragon’s Dogma 2. So, if you haven’t tried it already, make sure to do a Trickster run on the new game plus.
2. Level Up All Vocations
Dragon’s Dogma 2 has 10 vocations, and it is very unlikely for an average player to level up all the vocations on their first playthrough. Every vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2 has its unique playstyle and the true experience of each vocation can only be experienced after maxing out the Vocations.

Try out the high-level skills and the different playstyles of each vocation once you have finished the game for the first time.
3. Enjoy the Unmoored World
The Unmoored World is part of the True Ending in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and opens an additional 20-30 hours of content. If you haven’t done the True Ending, then you should definitely do it in the new game plus. But if you have already done the True Ending, still you have like a lot more left to explore in the Unmoored World.
As there is a timer in the Unmoored World, most players just rush through it to finish the game. However, the Unmoored World is where the real enemies are and when the fight becomes truly fun.

In the new game plus, unlock the Unmoored World and travel every corner, finding all the secrets and having epic battles while ignoring the timer for the most part.
You can also finish the evacuation quests earlier to travel carefree in the Unmoored World. It’s not as replayable as the Everfall in the first game, but it’s still an amazing addition to the game.
4. Dragon’s Dogma 2 Drip Challenge
Dragon’s Dogma 2 features some of the coolest set of armor and weapons even though there are fewer armor slots compared to the first game. There was a trend in the first game where players would combine different pieces of equipment to create the best-looking character.

Although Dragon’s Dogma 2 has more locked-out equipment compared to the first game, you can equip everything as a Warfarer. So, find all the armor and weapons in the game and combine them to create the best outfit for your Arisen and post it on social media.
5. Finish the Game Solo
Dragon’s Dogma 2 may lack a Hard Mode, which Capcom can add soon, but there are still ways to increase the difficulty of the game. Once you have finished the game, try finishing it again solo, without any Pawns including your Main Pawn.

You will be shocked by how much it changes the game dynamics, forcing you to plan out every interaction with an enemy and making you manage your resources much more efficiently.
Playing Dragon’s Dogma 2 solo is a completely different experience and will make appreciate a lot of the mechanics and items in the game.