At times when we find an interesting video on youtube or a website that we think nobody has seen before, we share it with our friends through social media i.e. facebook, twitter etc. But most of the times we don’t really know whether our friends have already seen it or not.
But now, a brand new website called ‘Is It Old?’ will help us to know whether the link we are about to share is old or fresh enough to be shared.
Is It Old? analyze how many times a link has been tweeted and when it was first shared.
Whatever we find on internet may not be the new stuff as “Internet moves at the speed of light — what is old by Internet standards is very different to what’s old in the real world,” Is It Old? co-creator Per Hansson told Mashable. “If a hilarious YouTube video is a week old, chances are that a lot of your friends have already seen it.”
It can help you determine how long a link has been around, it doesn’t necessarily mean the newer the link, the better it is.
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