A Chrome Extension That Removes Politics From Your Facebook & Twitter Feed

If  Politics doesn’t interests you much and you are annoyed by politics related posts in your Facebook and Twitter News feed , Here’s a good way to avoid these posts.

Unpolitic.me, A Google Chrome extension that replaces politics related posts from your Facebook and Twitter News feed with awesome cats.

Here’s a snapshot of how it works on Facebook,

Here's the snapshot of how 'Unpolitic.me' works

How It works?

When you install this extension, a webpage will pop up, there you will see a text editor in which a list of keywords related to politics are already mentioned. This extension works on those  keywords and replaces all the posts containing any of those words mentioned in the list with pictures of cats.

The best part about this extension is that you can modify the list of keywords that you wish not to appear in your Facebook and Twitter News feed. I tried it, works fine with every keyword you choose.

SEE ALSO: 10 Most Useful Chrome Extensions and Apps For Google Plus

What If  you don’t like Cats?

If you don’t want to see pictures of Cats as replacement, There’s a solution for that too. You Just need to change the tag from default  (which is cat) to whatever you’d like to see. Simple, isn’t it?

Here’s the link, Just Install this plugin and you are done.

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