- The Pokemon GO Slumbering Sands collection challenges will have you capture Mareep, Oranguru, Drowzee, and Sandygast.
- The collection challenge also includes evolving four Pokemon.
- However, the challenges are a limited-time event and will only run till June 12.
The Pokemon GO June roadmap is in full swing! As part of its major events, the Pokemon GO Slumbering Sands timed research event has begun. Besides posing a set of research tasks and rewards, Slumbering Sands also comes with some nice collection challenges. However, before you go out and catch them all, you will naturally need to know them. Let’s help you with that as we talk about all the Pokemon GO Slumbering Sands collection challenges and rewards here!
Unlike the Pokemon GO Ultra Space Wonders event, you don’t have specific conditions and divisions to fulfill. Instead, you have a total of eight Pokemon to catch while receiving rewards in the process. Like the Pokemon GO Slumbering Sands research tasks, the collection challenge is only available until June 12, 2024.
Pokemon GO Slumbering Sands: All Collection Challenges
Once you open the events tab and scroll down you will see the catching challenge. Unless you’ve previously encountered them, you won’t get to see the Pokemon. Hence, let’s look at the challenges and their respective rewards below.
Pokemon GO Slumbering Sands Collection Challenge: Catch a Pokemon

The simplest collection challenge this month is catching a Pokemon. Thankfully, catching most of these monsters is fairly easy. The collection challenges for this event are:
- Catch a Drowzee
- Catch a Mareep
- Catch an Oranguru
- Catch a Sandygast
Besides the Sandygast which is usually only available near beaches, the Pokemon GO Slumbering Sands catching challenges are fairly easy. Besides just grabbing some Pokemon, you will also need to evolve a few monsters.
Pokemon GO Slumbering Sands Collection Challenge: Evolve Pokemon
To progress and complete the catch challenge completely, you have to evolve four Pokemon. Those Pokemon are:
- Hypno: Evolve a Drowzee by using 50 Drowzee candies.
- Palossand: Evolve a Sangygast by using 50 Sandygast candies.
- Ampharos: Evolve Flaaffy using 100 Mareep candies.
- Flaaffy: Evolve a Mareep using 25 Mareep Candy.
Don’t worry as you’re not working for pocket change. The Pokemon GO Slumbering Sands collection challenges also have some nice rewards that include a Komala encounter, 5000 XP, and 2500 Stardust.
Have you already begun crossing off events in the Pokemon GO June roadmap? Let us know your experience in the comments below!