- Minecraft Snapshot 25W10A changes the main menu for the first drop of 2025.
- The sheep wool and test block textures have been tweaked as well.
- Lastly, cactus flowers can now be placed on farmland, and blocks broken by the pistons will have a new sound feedback.
The brand new Minecraft Snapshot 25W10A has just arrived, introducing a few changes to the vanilla gameplay. The recent updates have established that Mojang is trying to make the Java edition more like the Bedrock one. In the latest snapshot, we also see the introduction of tntexplodes game rule that used to be exclusive to Bedrock edition. With all new features in the SNBT syntax, a revamped main menu, and changes in sheep wool and test blocks textures, this snapshot is packed with more such minute features. Having said that, let’s dive right in and explore the Minecraft Snapshot 25W10A.
Minecraft Snapshot 25W10A Tweaks Main Menu for First 2025 Drop
The latest Minecraft Snapshot changes the main menu as a part of the first major game drop for 2025. The last stable release of Minecraft 1.21.4 used to show the Pale Garden as the main menu’s background.
However, now we’ll have a beautiful desert Minecraft biome with all new pink Cactus flowers on top of the Cactus blocks, thus bringing a refreshing feel while keeping the game’s aesthetics intact.
All New Texture Changes for Sheep, Test Blocks and More
Another notable change in Minecraft Snapshot 25W10A is the refinement of sheep wool texture. Previously sheep had a stark line at the back of their wool. This line is removed, enhancing the visual consistency of the game’s long-standing fluffy mobs.
The test blocks that were first introduced in Minecraft Snapshot 25W03A have now received a change in their textures. With these blocks you can test all the experimental features in a completely separate environment.
Next, we have enhanced audio feedback for blocks when they’re broken by pistons. Finally, Cactus flowers can now be placed on farmland, expanding the game’s decorative aspect. Other technical changes include altering the Data Pack Version to 70 and the Resource Pack to 54.
These are all the new features introduced in the latest Minecraft Snapshot 25W10A. What do you think about Mojang compiling both Java and Bedrock editions to reduce their differences? Let us know in the comments below!