Social media and mobile usage behavior of men and women differs greatly. For brands, it is very important to understand gender behavior of their audience so that they don’t waste money in promoting a particular form of content to women which is more likely to be appreciated by men and vice versa.
To help you understand better, today i am sharing a well detailed infographic on how differently men and women use social media and mobile phones.
Here are some important points from the infographic,
- For men, most prominent use of social media is either business or for dating, whereas women are more likely to use social media for relationship, entertainment, sharing and self help.
- Women are more likely to follow brands on social media for deals and offers, however men are more likely to scan QR codes or coupons.
- Men are more likely to take action on social media and mobile text advertisements.
- Men use smartphones mainly for video, news and GPS, whereas women use mobile phones mainly for social sharing, camera and games.
See the infographic below for detailed analysis,
The Ultimate Guide For Social Media Recruitment (Infographic)
12 Useful Social Media Infographics
Infographic Courtesy: Link
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