How to Repair Weapons, Armor and Clothes in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

In Short
  • KCD 2 has three distinct ways to repair weapons, armor, and clothes.
  • The three ways to repair it are by sharpening the wheel, using repair kits, and using craftsmen.
  • Sharpening Wheels can only repair Swords in KCD 2.

One of the big highlights of Kingdom Come Deliverance is the realistic-looking armor, weapons, and clothes straight out of 15th-century Bohemia. However, the game can be too realistic in certain elements and some of these can be very annoying. One such annoying element is equipment durability. Every piece of equipment in KCD 2 has a condition and quality. If the condition becomes too low, players must repair it, or it will lose its quality and have much lower stats. To avoid that, keep reading to learn how to repair armor, weapons, and clothes in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.

How to Repair Armor, Weapons, and Cloths in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Repairing your weapons, armor, and clothes frequently is one of the main things you must focus on in KCD 2. Now, there are three ways you can repair in KCD 2:

  • Sharpening Wheel
  • Repair Kit
  • Craftsmen

You can only use the Sharpening Wheel to repair your Swords. If you want to repair armor and clothes, you must either use Repair Kits or ask the correct Craftsmen to repair them for you.

1. How to Use the Sharpening Wheel in KCD 2

First, locate a Sharpening Wheel on the map and head to it. They are generally situated near Blacksmiths but can sometimes be found near Woodcutters or other random spots. For starters, you can find a Sharpening Wheel in Tachov. Once you have found the Sharpening Wheel, interact with it and pick the weapon you want to repair to get started.

Now, start spinning the wheel by constantly pressing the Pedal key (‘Space‘ as default for PC players) and incline the weapon’s blade towards it until you see flying sparks. Don’t incline it too much, or you will see smoke instead, which means you are damaging the blade further.

Image Credit: Warhorse Studios/Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 (captured by Sanmay Chakrabarti/Beebom)

As you see the sparks flying, move the blade from left to right to cover the entirety of the blade slowly. Do not hold it in one area for too long, or else you will start to damage it. Slowly, the blade will start to sharpen or repair and you will be notified once it reaches complete condition.

Although the Sharpening Wheel is a cool and free way to repair in KCD 2, it is only limited to your Swords and takes a lot of precious time. The following ways are faster but require a fair bit of skill or money.

2. Repair Armors, Weapons, and Clothes Using Repair Kits in KCD 2

Repair kits are the best on-the-go method to repair your weapons, armor, and clothes in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. There are different repair kits for different weapons, armor, or cloth types. You can carry these in your inventory; all you need to do is use them and select the respective weapon, armor, or cloth type to repair it. You can purchase Repair Kits from Craftsmen or Traders.

Image Credit: Warhorse Studios/Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 (screenshot by Sanmay Chakrabarti/Beebom)

However, using repair kits depends on your Craftsmanship Skill level. If your craftsmanship level is too low, you won’t be able to repair higher-class items. Here are all the Repair kits in the game and what you can repair using it:

  • Blacksmith’s kit: Repairs melee weapons like Swords, Axes, Maces, etc.
  • Armorer’s kit: Repairs all armor that is not made from cloth or leather.
  • Tailor’s kit: Repairs all clothes like Shirts, Hats, Pants, etc.
  • Cobbler’s kit: Repairs all armor made from leather, like Boots and Gloves.
  • Marksman’s kit: Repairs Bows and Crossbows.
  • Gunsmith’s kit: Repairs Firearms.

3. Repair Armors, Weapons, and Clothes by Asking Craftsmen in KCD 2

Image Credit: Warhorse Studios/Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 (screenshot by Sanmay Chakrabarti/Beebom)

When you don’t have enough Craftsmanship skill level or lack a Repair kit in your inventory, you can simply go and ask the NPC craftsmen to repair your armor, weapons, and clothes. They will charge you money for repairs.

The prices will vary depending on the work required, and the prices are also negotiable. Here are the craftsmen types you need to find for the specific weapon, armor, and cloth type:

  • Blacksmith: Repairs all melee weapons and metal armor.
  • Tailor: Repairs all clothes.
  • Cobbler: Repairs boots and gloves.
  • Huntsmen: Repairs bows.

So, that’s everything you need to know about repairing your equipment in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. If you have any further questions on how to repair your weapons, armor, and clothes in KCD 2, ask us in the comments, and we will try to help you out.

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