- In KCD 2, Henry can dodge, block, parry, and riposte in combat.
- Mastering these combat mechanics is fundamental to winning fights.
- You need to time the dodging, blocking, parrying, and riposte perfectly to make them work.
Blocking, dodging, parrying, and riposte are the most basic combat mechanics in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 that you must master to win fights. The mechanics for all these are tied together, but it all comes down to proper timing during combat to get the most effect. If you are struggling to understand how it all works, then don’t worry, as this guide is for you. So, without further ado, here’s a complete guide on how to block, dodge, parry, and riposte in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
How to Block in Kingdome Come Deliverance 2
Blocking in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is fairly simple. When an opponent swings their weapon at you, simply hold the block button to block all attacks. The default Block button for PC players will be the ‘Right-Click.’ If you have a shield equipped on your other hand, using the Block button will raise the shield and stop the attack. When you have a sword or other melee weapon in your hand, it will try to block the opponent’s swing with that instead.
Blocking enemy attacks consumes a lot of stamina and is also not entirely safe. Enemies can perform techniques or combos when you are blocking, allowing them to still hit you. Parrying is a much better alternative to blocking when it comes to defense in KCD 2’s combat.
How to Parry/Perfect Block in Kingdome Come Deliverance 2
Unlike blocking, Parrying or a Perfect Block is much more foolproof during combat, as it prevents the enemies from landing combos on you. To parry attacks in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, hit the Block key at the exact moment the enemy attacks you. The timing will be represented by a ‘Shield‘ icon on the screen.
The ‘Shield‘ icon is your time window to parry the strike. If you parry before the shield icon appears or after it disappears, then you will be hit with an opponent’s attack. This can be lethal against experienced enemies, as it will consume a large chunk of your stamina, making you vulnerable to more damage from upcoming combos.
Other than that, parry or perfect block doesn’t consume extra stamina, so make sure to use it whenever you are in a pinch against enemies.
How to Riposte in Kingdome Come Deliverance 2
After parrying an opponent, you have another brief window to land a counter-strike. This counter-strike is called riposte and can be very useful in fights, especially against aggressive opponents. After doing a successful parry, follow up with an attack to perform a riposte. The follow-up attack must happen while the “Crossed Swords” icon appears on the screen after the parry. If you miss the timing, your character won’t swing or will swing too slowly.
When doing riposte, ensure you swing from the opposite direction that the enemy is blocking. This will improve your chances of landing the riposte successfully. Also, the enemy can parry your riposte and perform one themselves, which you can also parry. However, doing riposte costs a lot of stamina, as you are parrying and striking at once. Chaining multiple ripostes can leave you without stamina very quickly, so always create distance from your enemies to regenerate it.
How to Dodge and Perfect Dodge in Kingdome Come Deliverance 2
Dodging is slightly different from blocking and parrying. Instead of blocking the attack, you will duck underneath it and have an opportunity to land a strike from the flank if you are quick enough. To dodge attacks, simply press the dodge key, the ‘Spacebar‘ for PC players. Dodging consumes stamina, but it is an effective way to avoid an opponent’s attack entirely, get closer to an opponent, or create a distance. However, simply dodging won’t be enough against tougher enemies, and you will need to learn perfect dodges instead.
To perform a perfect dodge, hit the dodge key when the opponent is swinging at you. Perform this when the ‘Shield’ icon appears on the screen. Dodging is better with light one-handed swords, like sabers, or during unarmed combat. I only use dodges during unarmed combat, as it allows you to land many more hits and riposting with your hands.
Hopefully, you now understand how to block, parry, dodge, and riposte in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. It all comes down to proper timing, and once you master these mechanics, you will breeze past most enemy encounters in the game. Do you still have questions? Drop them in the comments below.