There is no way you don’t love cats, especially when we’re talking about the cats in Minecraft. They are unique, friendly, and even give gifts to the players. Moreover, you can use an army of cats to make yourself immune against creepers and phantoms. But all that is only possible if you know how to breed cats in Minecraft. You have to prepare a breeding area, collect food, and obviously, find cats to breed. All of these steps can feel a bit overwhelming. But luckily for you, we have covered everything you need to know about breeding cats in Minecraft in this guide. So let’s not waste time and get started.
Breed Cats in Minecraft: Step-by-Step Guide (2022)
There are multiple steps involved in breeding cats in Minecraft, and we have divided our guide into easy-to-understand segments for your convenience. You can use this guide on both Minecraft Java and Bedrock edition.
Types of Cats in Minecraft
Cats are friendly passive mobs in Minecraft that players can tame easily. Once tamed, the cats follow their owners and help keep mobs (phantoms and creepers) away from them. They are also immune to fall damage like parrots. So, you don’t have to worry about keeping them safe in most cases.

In terms of skins, there can be 11 types or breeds of cats in Minecraft. The differences in these types are only cosmetic. They don’t affect the behavior of the cat. These include:
- Black
- British Shorthair
- Calico
- Jellie
- Persian
- Ragdoll
- Red
- Siamese
- Tabby
- Tuxedo
- White
Requirements for Breeding Cats in Minecraft
To breed a cat, you need the following:
- Two adult cats (don’t have to be of the same variant)
- Two raw salmon or two raw cods (at least)
- Building blocks or fences to trap them (optional)
How to Find and Tame Cats
Unlike breeding villagers or most other mobs in the game, you can’t simply trap cats and expect them to stay there. They are quick at the moment and can pass through very tiny gaps. Moreover, they are too useful to not be tamed and kept. So, you first need to feed them raw salmon or raw cod to turn them into your pets.
Due to the similarity in taming and breeding process, you can’t breed a stray cat without first taming it in a survival world. But before that, you have to visit villages and swamp huts to find cats. This whole process can take some time. So, we already have a guide in place to easily tame cats in Minecraft. You can use the linked guide to get at least two adult cats for the breeding process.
Food for Cats in Minecraft
As mentioned earlier, you need to feed raw salmon or raw cod to breed and tame the cats. Fortunately, you can easily find both of these food items within Minecraft lakes and rivers. Once found, you can use a fishing rod to catch them. But the more popular and quicker option is to dive into the water and kill them manually.
We need at least 2 raw salmons or 2 raw cods for the breeding process. You can feed them interchangeably too.
How to Make a Breeding Area
Because the cats are tamed, they don’t need a fully covered breeding area. Unless the cat is sitting, it will follow you and even teleport next to you. Moreover, the baby cats that spawn in breeding areas are automatically tamed too. So, you don’t need a breeding area, but you can create a sitting area for your cats.
If you are just getting started, a 4 x 4 sitting area should be more than enough. You can always expand it when needed. Some players also add a roof to the structure for protection from lightning, but that’s strictly optional.
How to Breed Cats in Minecraft
With everything ready, now it’s time to breed cats in Minecraft. The breeding process is simple. You only have to feed both of your tamed cats until hearts appear over their heads and a baby cat spawns.
However, before you get started, do keep the following properties in mind:
- Breeding doesn’t work if the cat is sitting, so make sure to make it stand using an empty hand.
- The baby cat shares the variant with one of its parents, but the chances of each variant are equal.
- Every cat has to wait for at least 5 minutes before it can breed again.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Who Will Baby Cat Belong to If Parent Cats Have Different Owners?
The spawned baby cat will be automatically tamed and belong to one of the owners of the parent cats. Both owners have equal chances, and the selection of the cat’s color doesn’t affect the owner’s selection.
Q. How to Heal My Cat in Minecraft?
You can heal your cat by feeding it raw cod or raw salmon. This food also helps baby cats grow faster.
Q. What’s the Rarest Cat Type in Minecraft?
Most players believe that the Siamese cats are the rarest type of cats in Minecraft. There are a total of 11 types of cats in the game.
Q. Will a Cat Follow You in Minecraft?
Once you have tamed a cat, it follows you wherever you go. It won’t stay right next to your feet at all times, but it doesn’t go too far away while exploring.
Easily Breed Cats in Minecraft Today
With that, you now know how to breed cats in Minecraft in no time. You can use our guide to create a cat farm in survival game mode and even on the best Minecraft servers. We are sure that most players are going to welcome your feline friends into their bases too. Then, once you are ready, you can use the same breeding tactics to breed Axolotls in Minecraft. They are not tamable like cats, but they certainly make your Minecraft biomes feel more lively. As for the cats, you can download and install custom maps in Minecraft to make special areas and bases dedicated to them. Many players even have Egyptian-styled temples for cats in-game. Having said that, which is your favorite type (or breed) of cats in Minecraft? Tell us in the comments!