One of the greatest accomplishments of the American people was to win their Independence in the American War of Independence. One man who played a key role in making sure that America became free from the clutches of the British Empire was Benjamin Franklin. Apple TV has released a mini-series revolving around his life and achievements and in this article, find out about the lead cast of the Franklin Mini-Series.
1. Michael Douglas as Benjamin Franklin

The lead role of Benjamin Franklin was taken up by Michael Douglas. Benjamin Franklin was one of the founding fathers of America and is known for the invention of Bifocal lenses. Throughout his political career, Benjamin Franklin traveled a lot and built strong connections wherever he went. He also wrote letters to the people he visited and those letters are to date preserved to study the impact he had on the foundation of America. His impact is pretty obvious by the fact that he is one of the people who signed the Declaration of Independence.
2. Noah Jupe as Temple Franklin

The grandson of Benjamin Franklin, Temple Franklin, was played by Noah Jupe. Temple was the son of William Franklin and was born outside William’s marriage. Temple was given to foster care as a baby but later on, Benjamin Franklin took him in. As Temple grew up, he became interested in the world of politics like his grandfather.
He traveled to France with Benjamin Franklin as his secretary when the American Revolution was at its peak for peace negotiations with Britain. The 1738 Treaty of Paris was a result of this very negotiation. However, the politics of Europe fascinated Temple and he chose to stay there giving up American politics for good.
3. Eddie Marsan as John Adams

John Adams served two terms as the Vice President of America under George Washington before becoming the second president of America. Played by Eddie Marsan, John Adams played a big role in the American War for Independence. John Adams was the man who brought together the Committee of Five to draft the Declaration of Independence and brought in Benjamin Franklin as one of those five committee members.
4. Daniel Mays as Edward Bancroft

Edward Bancroft was a physician and a chemist. However, he was also working as a double agent for both America and Britain. Bancroft is played by Daniel Mays in the Franklin series. Even though Edward spied on both sides, his work was not discovered until the late 1800’s. It is pretty much confirmed that the information he would give to people around him turned out to be extremely valuable.
5. Ludivine Sagnier as Madame Brillon

Anne Louise Brillon de Jouy or Madame Brillon is being played by Ludivine Sagnier. Madam Brillon was a French composer and musician. She met Benjamin Franklin in 1777 when he moved to Paris as an American Ambassador. The Brillon family invited Franklin regularly to their parties and were rather intellectual.
Some people believe that Madam Brillon and Franklin were into each other based on the letters they shared even after Benjamin Franklin moved back to the United States. The letters that they sent to each other are still kept safely in the National Archives.
6. Thibault de Montalembert as Charles Gravier

Played by Thibault de Montalembert, Charles Gravier was a French Foreign Minister during the rule of Louis XVI and the American War of Independence. Gravier and Franklin had a friendly relationship and he agreed with Franklin in his war for the Independence of America and that the French should ally with America in their war. However, American peace commissioners at that time, like John Adams, did not trust the French and decided to look for allies somewhere else.
7. Théodore Pellerin as Gilbert du Motier

Théodore Pellerin takes up the role of Gilbert du Motier who was originally a French nobleman and a military officer. Even though he was of French origin, he volunteered to join the Continental Army and fight under the leadership of George Washington in the American War of Independence. Gilbert du Motier passed away in 1834 and honoring his wish, he was buried in dirt brought from Bunker Hill that he and his son collected on their last trip to America.