This innkeeper in Bakbattahl charges 9999 gold for one night, and it’s a scam!
Dragon’s Dogma 2 has only two save files, one shared between manual and auto-save, and the other saved at the last inn you slept at. Sleeping once in a while is very important as it resets the Inn save, allowing players to revert to it if their manual or autosave becomes unplayable for some reason.
With the limited fast travel in Dragon’s Dogma 2, I always make sure to sleep at an inn when I reach a new city. This was exactly what I had planned to do after reaching Bakbattahl, which doesn’t have a portcrystal.

After making my way through one of the hardest and enemy-ridden paths in the game, the road up to Bakbattahl, I finally managed to enter the beautiful Beastren city. The first thing I did after entering Bakbattahl was look for an Inn to rest. But, I was in for a big surprise.
Making my way through the Beastren city I finally reached the Pilgrim’s Inn — Flagship. The word Flagship in the inn’s name should have warned me, but alas, me and my pawns were tired and only wanted to sleep the night on a comfortable bed.

However, all my hopes for a good night’s sleep went out the window when the innkeeper very sweetly said that it would cost 9999 gold, a fair price as he put it, which is completely false. For context, it costs around 2k gold in Vernworths Inn, which is higher compared to the rate in smaller cities.
With my fatigue gone, swapped with righteous anger, I decided to look for a comfortable bench to spend my night instead. However, just after walking a few meters in the city, another inn came into view. This made me curious because this was the first time I had seen two inns in one city.

So, I prepared myself for another outrageous price and headed inside…only to find the standard 2k gold rate.
Now, it was clear that Mr. Flagship Innkeeper was either scamming or providing something more for resting in his inn. So, I decided to part myself with 9999 gold, very reluctantly, in the pursuit of truth. I went back to Mr. Flagship’s Inn and rested for the night by paying the entire sum.
And voila, it was simply an old-fashioned scam.
Sleeping in the Flagship Inn gave me nothing I could discern, other than the wisdom of not trusting everything I see.

So, I did what every good citizen of Battahl should have done long ago. Remove the scammer from existence and decrease the competition for the poor innkeeper who had a fair rate.
I tried talking to Mr. Flagship one last time, in hopes that he would decrease the rate now that he had scammed me once, but he was adamant about continuing to scam good-hearted Arisens. Without any other choice, I yeeted him off the cliff and went back for a good night’s rest in the other inn.
Tell me what you would do in this situation or what you plan to do when you reach Bakbattahl, now that you know Mr. Flagship exists in the game.