Trident is a rather unique and one of the rarest in-game items in Minecraft. It’s one of the very few tools that you cannot craft and need to obtain in your Minecraft world. But that’s not all. Trident also has some of the coolest in-game enchantments you can find in this sandbox game. Some of the trident enchantments can even make you feel like Aquaman. And we are here to cover all the best trident enchantments in Minecraft right now.
1. Loyalty
Probably one of the coolest enchantments in Minecraft, loyalty is a trident-exclusive enchantment. As the name suggests, it will make your trident loyal so that it comes back to you after each throw. If you ever wanted to feel like the Greek god (or the Avenger) Thor, this is the way to do it. You can apply this using an enchanted book as well as the enchanting table.
The speed of the trident’s return depends upon the level of your enchantment. It has a maximum of 3 levels you can upgrade to. As for the limitations, your trident will get damaged when thrown into lava and won’t return from the void (Java-exclusive). And in the unfortunate case that you die before it returns, you can find it in the same location as your death.
2. Channeling
Continuing the theme of the Greek God Thor, our next trident enchantment lets you produce lightning in the game. But don’t confuse it with an electricity-based attack. When used, this enchantment channels lighting from the sky. It only has one level, but it’s more than enough to make it one of the most powerful enchantments in Minecraft. You can apply this enchantment using an enchanted book as well as the enchanting table in Minecraft.
But to keep the game fair for everyone, this enchantment only works if the attacked mob is under an open sky. That means you can’t use a trident with this enchantment underground or in other dimensions. Moreover, if you want to use this with a thrown trident, it must be during a thunderstorm. As for the benefits of this enchantment, a trident’s lightning can do more than just damage. You can use it to:
- Turn creeper into charged creepers
- Light places on fire
- Set mobs on fire
- Create witches out of villagers
- Convert pigs into zombified piglins
- Change colors of mooshrooms
3. Impaling
As the name suggests, this is one of the best trident enchantments if you want to cause extra damage to the mobs. With an upper limit of 5 levels, Impaling is one of the most dangerous in-game enchantments. You can apply it using an enchanted book or an enchanting table.

Each level of this enchantment adds an additional 2.5 hearts worth of damage to the trident. At its maximum level, another player can easily kill you with a single hit. But to keep it from being overpowered, at least in Java edition, the extra damage only applies to aquatic Minecraft mobs. Meanwhile, in the Bedrock edition, you can use it on any mob as long as they are in contact with water. And yes, even rain counts as contact with water in Minecraft.
4. Riptide
Our next entry on the list is nothing less than a superpower. The Riptide enchantment pushes or hurls the players towards the direction in which the trident is thrown. You can even use the same throw to attack mobs, but doing so can increase the risk of confrontation with that mob as well. Riptide has 3 levels of degradation, and each new level increases its distance coverage by 6 blocks.
However, do keep in mind that it only works when the player is standing in water or rain. Additionally, since the trident technically never leaves our hand, we can’t combine this enchantment with loyalty. Similarly, Minecraft also doesn’t allow you to use it alongside lightning because it might end up hurting the player more. You can apply riptide using an enchanted book as well as the enchanting table.
5. Unbreaking
Among all the enchantments, unbreaking is a common one for most tools and equipment. As you might have guessed, it increases the durability of the trident when applied to it. Technically, it doesn’t increase the durability but reduces the chances or probability of an item getting its durability decreased quickly. In any case, your equipment lasts longer when you apply unbreaking to it.
Keeping the rarity of a trident in mind, this is one of the very first enchantments you should apply. Unbreaking has a maximum of 3 levels, and you can easily find enchanted books with this effect. Alternatively, it’s also one of the first enchantments you can obtain while using an enchanting table.
6. Mending
Our next enchantment also revolves around durability. But instead of increasing regular durability, mending focuses on restoring the reduced durability of an item. Most players use it to fix damaged tridents dropped by the drowned mob. Unlike other enchantments, mending is not applicable using an enchanting table. To use it, you need to find an enchanted book.
There are no specific levels to this enchantment, so the amount of restored durability depends upon your in-game experience. Mending restores two durability units for one experience orb point. So, it isn’t technically free, but it also doesn’t cost much. You can do various experience-based activities in-game, including cooking, killing, and more, to automatically mend your trident.
As a weapon, tridents can act as a throwable as well as a close-range melee weapon. When compared to a diamond sword, it has a higher rate of damage but a slower attack speed unless you are underwater. The best feature of trident in Minecraft is that you can use it to kill mobs up to 80 blocks away.
Now you have the power to explore the depths of Minecraft ocean biomes in the game. These trident enchantments are at their best when used alongside other special features. Many developers also pack these enchantments alongside popular Minecraft modpacks. But, as you might have noticed, it’s easy for you to discover them in the game and don’t need to turn to mods. With that said, don’t forget to share your favorite trident enchantments in the comments below.