I am sure you have come across the term “adult colouring book” in the past few years. It was all the rage for a while, and it seems people are getting back to it now that we are all stuck in our homes. Colouring books are often considered therapeutic and is associated with a steady focus. Keeping our lack of activity in mind, Adobe has designed a free digital colouring book by bringing together some talented illustrators.
The company has shared the initial five sheets and claims that there are many many more to follow. The company also promises to ensure weekly updates continuing throughout this season. The Introductory collection comprises of designs by artists Sofi Bastos, Lauren Hom, Kelli Laderer, Ann Chen and Steffi Lynn Tsai. You can know more about these artists on Adobe’s website.
The colouring sheets are available as documents, which can be downloaded as PDF, Photoshop PSD or basic JPEG files.
You will be able to import these into your preferred colouring app or you can also go for the traditional way i.e. print it out and fill the black and white sheets with your favourite crayons, coloured pencils or even paint, to your heart’s content.
Honestly, the designs aren’t extraordinary, nor do they adhere to any particular theme. However, as there are a lot more to come, it would be too early to pass a judgement. You can check them out in Adobe’s official website and download the colouring pages from there.
So, what do you think about the designs? Would you bank on them to soothe your anxiety or would you pass? Let us know in the comment section down below.