Sony Launches a “Wearable AC” to Beat the Hot Summer

Sony reon feat.

As we all know that summers in Asian countries can be pretty harsh, the need for an air conditioner is inevitable. However, in the case of traditional ACs, you cannot take them when you go out in the summer sun. So, to solve this issue, Sony released the “Reon Pocket”. It sounds crazy but It is essentially a wearable air conditioner!

The Tokyo-based electronics company recently launched the “Reon Pocket” through its “First Flight“, which is the company’s incubator-cum-crowdfunding platform. It is a new type of device that can keep users cool and free of sweat during the hot summers. And as it can blow out warm air too, the device is also usable during the chilly winters.

Now, the device is pretty compact and can fit easily fit in the palm of a hand. So, if you wish, you can use the device handheld to cool yourself when you feel hot and humid. However, to take full advantage of the “Reon Pocket”, users need to combine the device with the dedicated inner that comes with a pocket at an unusual position.

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So, to keep users cool, along with the “Reon Pocket”, Sony also came up with a special V-neck inner shirt. This shirt comes with a pocket that is positioned right between your shoulders and it is specifically made for the device. So, with this undershirt, users can put the “Reon Pocket” inside the unusual, dedicated pocket and control it via an app on their smartphones.

Now, the app comes for both Android and iOS devices and is made to control the device remotely. The “Reon Pocket” will connect with your smartphone via Bluetooth, just like any other wearable, and then you can use the app to control the temperature and manage the different modes.

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The “Reon Pocket” is currently available in Japan only and is priced at 13,000 yen (~$122) or Rs 9,107. You can check it out here.

VIA Verge
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