- We discuss all the monsters or entities in Lethal Company and how to deal with them.
- We've split the list up into outside and inside monsters.
- While not every monster in the game is killable, each of them can be strategically countered.
Lethal Company players know the game is all about surviving and well, collecting trinkets. We do all this to appease the goals of the Company. However, between you and your goal lie tons of monsters, each with its own dangers and horrors. To help you get the upper hand, we have compiled a handy guide discussing all of these monsters and how to deal with them. So, without further ado, let’s begin.
Lethal Company has 19 types of monsters, officially called Entities. The Monsters are divided into two types: Outside and Inside. Monsters outside will never venture inside a place. Similarly, monsters living inside won’t come out of randomly generated buildings. We haven’t mentioned two of these monsters since they’re passive and not harmful at all. With that said, here are each of the monsters in the game and how to counter them.
Lethal Company: Monsters Found Outside
When you land on the moon for the first time, you won’t find these monsters. These spawn only after the night begins or during an eclipse event. The only exclusion to this rule applies to two faunas outside, namely roaming Locusts and Manticoil. With that said, here are the monsters.
1. Eyeless Dog

Hostile: Yes
Killable: Yes
Location Found: Every Moon
Eyeless Dogs are large dogs that roam the map during night-time. True to their name, the eyeless dogs are blind. However, they have excellent hearing. As such, if you make any noise, including the one from your radio or flashlight, you’re in trouble.
The best method to counter these monsters is by crouching and stopping. Definitely avoid speaking and turn off any radios. Furthermore, if you have trinkets that make noises, avoid carrying them. Then, slowly walk back to the ship to your safety. However, these dogs can enter the ship, so avoid making noise inside. Alternatively, you can subdue the monster with a zap gun. Then, another player can beat it to death using a shovel.
2. Forest Keeper

Hostile: Yes
Killable: No
Location Found: 56-Vow, Titan
Forest Keepers are large giants that come out in the night. They will swoop up players and eat them as soon as they notice one. Only one Forest Keeper spawns per map seed in Lethal Company.
They are unkillable, but you can counter them. The best thing to do is hide from its line of sight and sneak. The other alternative is to use flashbang on Forest Keeper to blind them momentarily. This will allow you to escape the situation.
3. Earth Leviathan

Hostile: Yes
Killable: No
Location Found: 220-Assurance, can randomly appear on other moons
The Earth Leviathan is a giant worm that will instantly kill you. Spawning under the ground, it will occasionally shoot itself out towards the sky and burrow itself back into the ground.
The only way to counter an Earth Leviathan is by keeping an eye and ear on the seismic shakes. Once that begins, quickly start moving backward. This way, the worm will miss you. Once done, sprint like hell and reach your spaceship.
4. Baboon Hawk

Hostile: Only when in groups
Killable: Yes
Location Found: 61-March, 21-Offense
The Baboon Hawk is an annoyance in groups. This is a bipedal monster in Lethal Company that you encounter when you land in March. While it is harmless when alone, it will eliminate you when in groups.
You can kill a stray Baboon Hawk using a shovel or simply keep your distance. But, if the party of Baboon Hawk is larger than your team squad, they will attack you. In such a case, just run away to your ship.
5. Circuit Bee

Hostile: When provoked
Killable: No
Location Found: On free moons
Circuit Bees are much like bees found on our own planet. These electric bees huddle in their hive right after landing on a planet. While docile, they’ll get aggressive and chase you if you go near their hive. However, if they get separated, they start roaming an area and attacking anything in sight. After that, they’ll go back. Circuit bees are unkillable. The best way to counter them is to ignore them.
However, their hive rakes tons of money in the first three moons. Hence, near the end of a level, if one person distracts the circuit bee, another player can steal the hive and escape. However, remember that circuit bees will always chase their hive. Hence, you have to be very swift.
Lethal Company: Monsters Found Inside
Outside, you only have a handful of monsters in-game. But the horror lies inside the compounds. Remember, you have a quota. And you fulfill that by picking up trinkets. However, between you and those trinkets stand entities. These are all the indoor monsters you encounter in the current Lethal Company version:
6. Snare Flea

Hostile: Yes
Killable: Yes
Location Found: 220-Assurance
The first monster you and your party might encounter is a Snare Flea. These stick to the ceiling frequently and will drop on you or your party’s head. Once that happens, it will suffocate and kill the player over time.
To kill one, you need a shovel or signpost. Once it drops on a player, keep hitting the monster. Hence, the best strategy here is for two players to have shovels with them and stick together. However, if that doesn’t work either, then it’s best you quickly run outside as they can’t survive there.
7. Bunker Spider

Hostile: Yes
Killable: Yes
Location Found: Most of the moons
As the name suggests, Bunker Spiders live inside compounds and quickly take it over. These spiders are ruthless and quite aggressive. To spot one, look for webbings. However, ensure not to step in one, as you’ll get trapped, and the spider will be alerted.
While it is difficult, a bunker spider can be killed. If your team has two people with a shovel, ensure one player distracts the bunker spider. The other two can keep smashing it with a shovel. This will kill it and make the run safer. If that fails, make sure to run away or sneak by if it’s motionless.
8. Hoarding Bug

Hostile: If Provoked
Killable: Yes
Location Found: 220-Assurance
Hoarding bugs are a nuisance. Just like you, they’re there to collect trinkets. However, if left unchecked, these pesky bugs will steal your items. If attacked, they turn hostile and chase the players. Hence, gang up on one and beat if you want to keep your items.
If you leave the building after an encounter, the hoarding bug roams away to a different place in the compound. This allows you to venture safely. You can always try stealing back the items from the monster and escape. However, it will make them hostile immediately. With that said, perhaps it’s worth a teammate’s life for that extra trinket.
9. Bracken

Hostile: Yes
Killable: No
Location Found: Most moons in-game
A pitch-dark entity, Brackens are scary. It has white eyes and a habit of stalking players to kill. The bracken tends to sneak up on the player so it’s always better to keep your eyes peeled. It also carries the dead body of your teammate to its lair, so you cannot carry them back to the ship.
While unkillable, you can counter it. If you look at the Bracken for a few seconds, it will start walking back. But looking at them constantly makes it hostile, instantly killing you. Hence, take turns looking at it for a few seconds and exit. If done right, you’ll be out in no time. But make sure to be quick since it will be back in a minute.
10. Thumper

Hostile: Yes
Killable: Yes
Location Found: 21-Offense and most maps
Thumpers are bipedal monsters with a combination of a shark-like head and two unfinished limbs. True to their name, thumpers make thumping sounds while walking. You can hear them from a distance, and it only singles out a player at a time. While thumpers can’t hear, they charge the player in a straight line with speed.
The best way to counter one is to simply step to the side once it’s headed towards you. Ensure you are in front of a wall and do it. The Thumper will collide and slow down, allowing your team to whack it four times. You can also use a stun grenade to blind and beat it up.
11. Spore Lizard

Hostile: If Provoked
Killable: Yes
Location Found: 41-Experiment
Spore lizards are shy entities you will find in a compound. And they are harmless. They don’t hit you, they do not steal, and they mind their business. If anything, once a spore lizard sees you, it will come close and wag its tail.
Players who get too close will receive a spray of pink mist that will obscure their vision. Step closer, and you get a small bite. Hence, we would suggest just ignoring it.
12. Hygrodere

Hostile: Yes
Killable: No
Location Found: 41-Experiment
Hygrodere is a moving green slime that slowly creeps up on your team. On touch, it is an instant kill. Furthermore, you cannot kill this monster in Lethal Company. However, you can counter by luring it inside a room. Then, you can either run around it or jump across.
Furthermore, Hygrodere is attracted to music and even dances to one. Hence, if you have a boombox, play something on it and leave it on the ground. The monster will move to it, ignoring you.
13. Nutcracker

Hostile: Yes
Killable: Yes
Location Found: 85-Rend, Titan
The Nutcracker is a walking doll that carries a shotgun and means business. It walks around the premises and scans it. Once it finds a player, it will begin shooting to kill.
Countering one is a task that requires communication. However, the best way to kill it is when it reveals its eye. Let one player zap the Nutcracker when the eye is out while the other players start hitting the eye from behind. This will eventually kill the monster. Nutcracker also drops its shotgun upon death, which contains four shells.
14. Coil-Head

Hostile: Yes
Killable: No
Location Found: 85-Rend, 7-Dine, 8-Titan
The Coil-Head is an unkillable mannequin that stalks players when their back is turned. When looking at it, the monster doesn’t move. And this plays into the strategy of countering it. Those who have played SCP already have experience with a monster like this in the form of SCP-173.
If a Coil-Head appears, take turns to stare at their face while the other player starts moving away. You can also use a stun grenade to blind it and run away. Also, if you have a door in your way, close it. Coil-Heads take time to open, allowing you to escape.
15. Jester

Hostile: Yes
Killable: No
Location Found: 85-Rend, 7-Dine, 8-Titan
The Jester is a large toybox that might appear friendly. However, it starts to follow players and, once on sight, starts winding its crank and playing music. This happens for around 30 seconds. When the music ends, a skull head pops and starts chasing the player, killing them. It slowly also picks up speed, making it impossible to escape after a point.
The only way to escape a Jester is for everyone to leave the facility immediately. When that happens, the monster goes back to its boxed state. During a boxed state, immediately run away from it and quickly leave the compound.
16. Ghost Girl

Hostile: Yes
Killable: No
Location Found: 85-Rend, 7-Dine, 8-Titan
The ghost girl is a rare entity that selectively picks her victims. She only haunts one player throughout the run. So if you can see her, you’re the target. She will toy with them, eventually stalking and killing them. Sadly, there are not many ways to counter the entity.
You can leave the compound, return to the ship, and hug the console with your back turned towards it while looking at the door. This won’t allow the ghost girl to spawn at you and kill you. If you moved and kept your computer terminal at one of the ship corners, get in that space to do the same strategy. If all else fails, run.
17. Masked

Hostile: Yes
Killable: Yes
Location Found: 85-Rend, 7-Dine, 8-Titan
Masked are a wearable entity that turns a player into a stalking monster. They can mimic a player, copying their movement and behavior. Eventually, they’ll start stalking, killing, and turning others into them. Masked also sometimes spawn naturally on the moons and hide in ships. Since masked are hard to identify from other players, beware of your crewmates if you can’t verify their status.
When you encounter a Masked, whack them four times using a shovel. This will kill them permanently. Try to keep a distance and hit them while walking back. If you have the Nutcracker shotgun, shooting it with that will instantly kill them.
And these are all the monsters you can currently find in Lethal Company. The best part about the game is that none of the encounters are unfair. There are multiple ways to solve them, successfully meeting the company quota. Let us know if you have any smart strategy for the monsters in the comments below!