This is How Internet has Made the World Greener [Infographic]

According to a recent report published in journal ‘Environmental Science & Technology’, Internet and other information and technology sectors together annually emits 830 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, which accounts for 2 percent of the total annual carbon dioxide emission. This figure is expected to double by the year 2020 but the researchers and scientists are building more efficient technologies to keep the emissions as low as possible.

This was all about the negative impact of Internet on the world but story doesn’t end here.

Internet is also playing a noticeable role in making the world more greener. The digital approach towards music, mails, books and photos have their own environmental benefits. With the increased usage of Internet and digitization, the consumption of raw materials, such as paper has decreased a lot.

Here’s an Infographic which shows how Internet is contributing to the betterment of environment,

This is How Internet has Made the World Greener (Infographic)


Who Runs the Internet (Infographic)

Getting in Bed With Gadgets (Infographic)

Infographic Courtesy: Clear Wireless Internet

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