How to Make Manga in Infinite Craft

In Short
  • The Manga block in Infinite Craft requires Japan and Book blocks. Japan is made with the help of Sushi and Island elements.
  • On the other hand, the Book block takes advantage of the two Paper elements, which you can get by combining Wood and Tree.
  • Combine Japan and Book and you'll make Manga in Infinite Craft.

You’d be surprised to learn how many funny and even crazy blocks you can find in Infinite Craft. The game offers almost anything from natural elements to video games. In today’s Infinite Craft guide, we’ll show you the process of crafting Manga, so you can combine it further to get a bunch of cool and familiar titles. So with that, let’s learn how to make manga in Infinite Craft!

What Blocks Do You Need to Craft Manga?

If you’re a manga fan, then it won’t come as a surprise that in order to make Manga in Infinite Craft you need Japan and Book.

How to Make Manga in Infinite Craft

Both of the required blocks will take a few combinations before reaching the final goal, with both Japan and Book having six crafting recipes each. So, let’s not beat around the bush anymore and start combining elements right now!

How to Craft Japan in Infinite Craft

Japan block can be created by merging Sushi and Island blocks. Here’s the entire process:

  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Water + Lake = Ocean
  • Water + Ocean = Fish
  • Earth + Ocean = Island
  • Fire + Fish = Sushi
  • Island + Sushi = Japan
Steps you should follow to make Japan

Besides using Japan in Infinite Craft to make Manga, you may also make Godzilla, Anime, Samurai, Pokémon, and other blocks.

How to Craft Book in Infinite Craft

Now that you’ve made Japan, it’s time we shift our attention towards the Book block. Here are all the steps you should follow to make book Infinite Craft:

  • Earth + Water = Plant
  • Plant + Plant = Tree
  • Tree + Tree = Forest
  • Forest + Tree = Wood
  • Wood + Tree = Paper
  • Paper + Paper = Book

Now that you know how to make a Book in Infinite Craft, you may also make a Bookshelf, Paper, Ash, Harry Potter, and even more things!

How to Craft Manga in Infinite Craft

With Japan and Book made, you can merge them together and you’ll craft manga in Infinite Craft.

  • Japan + Book = Manga

Uses of Manga in Infinite Craft

With Manga in your possession, you can now create some of the most popular titles available, as well as some other elements that are related to writing. Some of the coolest combinations are:

  • Manga + Wind = Naruto
  • Manga + Astronaut = Sailor Moon
  • Manga + Pirate = One Piece
  • Manga + Water = Ink
  • Manga + Manga = Comic

With that said, those were all the steps you needed to follow to make Manga. Want to learn from the start? Check out our Infinite Craft beginners guide for that. Once done there, do be sure to share this guide with other manga nerds!

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