How to Make Life in Infinite Craft

In Short
  • In order to make Life in Infinite Craft, you'll need to combine the Earth and Mars blocks.
  • To get to Mars, make Dust, Sandstorm, and Planet. Combine the Planet and Sandstorm to make Mars.
  • Finally, merge Earth and Mars to make Life. You can make Human, Soul, and other elements using Life.

Infinite Craft is the one browser game that has a variety of basic and complex elements. Most Infinite Craft blocks are very easy to make but are required in a lot of recipes. One of the simpler blocks in this game is Life and it creates a bunch of other elements. So, if you’re here to learn how to make Life in Infinite Craft, then let’s not waste any more time and jump straight in.

What Blocks Do You Need to Craft Life?

To make the Life block in Infinite Craft, you’ll need to combine two planets, which are Earth and Mars.

How to Make Life in Infinite Craft

Let’s now focus on the two main ingredients to craft Life in Infinite Craft. While Earth is one of the initial four blocks you start the game with, Mars is easily obtainable by completing not more than four recipes.

How to Craft Mars in Infinite Craft

To make Mars in Infinite Craft, you’ll need to combine Planet and Sandstorm blocks. Follow the steps below to do so:

  • Wind + Earth = Dust
  • Wind + Dust = Sandstorm
  • Earth + Dust = Planet
  • Sandstorm + Planet = Mars

Now that you know how to make Mars in Infinite Craft, you’re able to make plenty of space-related elements, such as Alien, Rover, Meteor, Milky Way, and more.

How to Craft Life in Infinite Craft

How to make Life in Infinite Craft

Congratulations! Now that you have Mars, you can very easily learn how to craft Life in Infinite Craft. All you need to do is combine Mars with Earth and you’ll get Life!

  • Earth + Mars = Life

Uses of Life in Infinite Craft

Life in Infinite Craft is quite an important block in the game, as it’s a part of many recipes ranging from abstract terms to living and fictional creatures. Some of the recipes you’ll need Life in are:

  • Life + Lie = Believe
  • Life + Death = Reincarnation
  • Life + Angel = Soul
  • Life + Earth = Human
  • Life + Mummy = Zombie

With that said, you now know how to craft life in Infinite Craft. If you’ve just begun then read out Infinite Craft Beginners guide for all the info you need. Got more questions? Drop them in the comments below!

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