Google Maps Now Shows You Warnings About Violent Incidents

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Google is taking every possible step to make the Google Maps platform more useful and resourceful to its users. The platform recently gained support for showing violent incidents so that you can stay safe.

The feature got spotted by a Reddit user while browsing around the maps. As you can see in the below image, Google Maps marks the location of the violent incident on the map.

Google Maps Now Shows You Warnings About Violent Incidents

I tried to cross-verify the claim and saw the same on my phone. It shows you a warning along with the last time the information got updated. In addition to the warning, it displays a little context regarding the incident in the “About” section. The context is sourced from reliable news outlets like Reuters, in this case.

You can also get the latest updates by tapping on the “See latest updates button“. The app will then take you to the Google search results page where you can learn more about the incident.

If you’re around the incident reported area, you can help fellow users by reporting road closures using the “Report road closure” button. In my opinion, this feature is quite useful and can be lifesaving at times, especially when you’re a tourist.

In the meantime, here are a few other new features that got recently added to the Google Maps platform. We don’t know if this feature is live only in UK or all over the world. Let us know if you have spotted a similar warning in the comments in your country or not.

VIA Reddit
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