How to Complete Challenger’s Deep Bestiary in Fisch

The wait is finally over, and the major new expansion update in Fisch, known as the Mariana’s Veil, is now live. As you start exploring the new areas in the submarine, you will come across new fishing locations at certain checkpoints, the mechanic being very similar to the Northern Expedition. In this guide, we discuss all the fish you can catch in the Challenger’s Deep bestiary. So, with that said, let’s jump right in and explore all that’s new.

List of Challenger’s Deep Bestiary in Fisch

As you start playing the latest update, you will experience a cutscene stating that Mariana’s Veil has been opened. This Mariana’s Veil is located right under the Roslit Bay (coordinates: X= -1450, Y= 135, Z= 750), and you will require a submarine to head inside this area.

Once inside, complete the quest at the first checkpoint, upgrade your submarine, and head straight to uncover the second region. This area is known as the Challenger’s Deep and the bestiary consists of 10 unique fishes. Among these, two are required to upgrade your gear and submarine.

Furthermore, you will find 1 Mythical, 1 Legendary, and a Secret Leviathan that unlocks only when you can catch it. So, with that, here is a complete list of Fisch Challenger’s Deep Bestiary.

Fish PreviewFish NameBaitWeatherTimeSeason
FRostcale Fangtooth FischFrostscale FangtoothBagelAnyDayWinter
Cryoskin FischCryoskinNoneAnyAnyAny
Chillshadow Chub FischChillshadow ChubInsectClearDayAny
subzero stargazer fischSubzero StargazerFlakesAnyDayWinter
deep freeze devilfish Fisch Challenger's deep BestiaryDeep Freeze DevilfishSquidRainAnyAutumn
iceberg isopad  Fisch Challenger's deep BestiaryIceberg IsopadMinnowWindyNightWinter
Cryo Coelacanth Fisch Challenger's deep BestiaryCryo CoelacanthShrimpClearAnyAutumn
Polar Prowler Fisch  Challenger's deep BestiaryPolar Prowler FischTruffle WormClearNightWinter
Chillfin Chimaera Fisch Challenger's deep BestiaryChillfin ChimaeraFish HeadAnyNightWinter
frozen leviathan in fischFrozen LeviathanTruffle WormClearNightWinter

How to Complete Challenger’s Deep Bestiary in Fisch

Completing the Challenger’s Deep Bestiary won’t be that hard if you have a high-tier rod with decent Luck and Resilience. So, all you need to know is what the fish prefer, equip the right bait, and have accurate weather, time, and season conditions, and you will catch all of them in no time.

Coming to what fishing rod you must use, I would highly recommend Rod of the Forgotten Fang, Heaven’s Rod, or No-Life Rod for late gamers. For those who have completed the maximum level cap, Seraphic Rod is going to be the first choice.

Finally, if you are a mid-game player, you can go with Rod of the Depths, Tempest Rod, or Kraken Rod. Do check out our Fisch Rods tier list to know what best suits your playstyle.

How to Complete Challenger’s Deep Bestiary in Fisch
Image Credit: Fisch/Roblox (Screenshot by Bipradeep Biswas/Beebom)

In case, your rod is lacking any stat, you can always put a suitable enchantment on it. Check out our best enchantments for all Fisch rods to know what’s ideal for your fishing rod. Finally, if the climate conditions don’t match the fish’s requirements, you can always buy Weather Totems, like Sundials, Tempest, Windset, and others. Moreover, don’t forget to claim the latest Fisch codes to grab some baits and bobbers for free.

So, these are all the 9 fishes in the Challenger’s Deep bestiary and how to get them easily. Have you checked out this region in the Mariana’s Veil? Let us know in the comments below!

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