The Complete Fisch Bait Guide

In Short
  • Baits in Fisch are used to catch some specific fishes, which might not be available normally.
  • The baits can be obtained from crates and geodes, either through fishing or buying them from the merchants in the game.
  • Players may use the baits by opening the Equipment bag and selecting them from the sidebar.

Fisch offers a huge variety of baits to catch much better and rarer fishes. Moreover, the baits have a class of their own, and some can be really difficult to obtain. The Baits will grant you various luck boosts, resilience, lure speed boosts, and so on. However, there are so many ones to choose from. If you find yourself confused over which one to pick, this one’s for you. So, without further ado, check out our complete Fisch bait guide here.

All Baits in Fisch

In Fisch, you will find that some fishes are attracted to specific baits. Moreover, some mythical and legendary fishes will only show up when you use certain bait. So, look at all the baits available in Fisch, what they offer, all the places you can get them, and what fishes attract them.

Bait ImageBait NameHow to GetPreferred LuckUniversal LuckResilienceLure Speed
BagelBagelCommon Crates, Bait Crates250150
WormWormCommon Crates, Bait Crates250015
InsectInsectCommon Crates, Bait Crates35005
FlakesFlakesCommon Crates, Bait Crates550-310
GarbageGarbageBait Crates0-25050-5
ShrimpShrimpCommon Crates, Bait Crates4525-50
MaggotMaggotCommon Crates, Bait Crates, Volcanic Geodes, and Coral Geodes0350-10
MagnetMagnetCommon Crates, Bait Crates200000
MinnowMinnowCommon Crates, Bait Crates, Quality Crates, Volcanic Geodes, and Coral Geodes650-100
SeaweedSeaweedCommon Crates, Bait Crates, Quality Crates3501020
CoralCoralCoral Geodes002020
SquidSquidCommon Crates, Bait Crates, Quality Crates55450-25
Rapid CatcherRapid CatcherBait Crates, Quality Crates, Volcanic Geodes, and Coral Geodes00-1535
Super FlakesSuper FlakesQuality Crates, Volcanic Geodes, and Coral Geodes070-150
CoalCoalVolcanic Geodes450-100
Deep CoralDeep CoralCoral Geodes-100500
Fish HeadFish HeadBait Crates, Quality Crates1500-1010
Instant CatcherInstant CatcherFound from Fisch Codes0-20-1565
Night ShrimpNight ShrimpQuality Crates, Volcanic Geodes, and, Coral Geodes090015
Truffle Worm Truffle WormVolcanic Geodes, Coral Geodes30000-10
Kraken TentacleKraken TentacleNone100351535
Weird AlgaeWeird AlgaeQuality Crates02000-35
Shark HeadShark HeadQuality Crates2253010-5
Hangman HookHangman HookNone1503520-5

All Seasonal Baits in Fisch

The following are seasonal baits in Fisch and were available for purchase during the limited-time events when they were introduced. Among these, you can only get the Chocolate Fish baits as long as the Fisch Valentine’s event is active.

Bait ImageBait NameHow to GetPreferred LuckUniversal LuckResilienceLure SpeedPassive
Peppermint WormPeppermint WormAdvent Calendar, Festive Bait Crates, Codes503020-5None
Holly BerryHolly BerryAdvent Calendar, Festive Bait Crates, Codes803010-520% chance to catch fishes with Jolly mutation
Aurora BaitAurora BaitAdvent Calendar, Codes1003010-515% chance to catch fishes with Aurora mutation (30% during Aurora Borealis)
Chocolate Fish Fisch BaitChocolate FishValentine’s Quest2001501520100% chance to catch fishes with Chocolate mutation

Fisch Angler Quest Baits

Completing the Angler Quests will give you a chance to get the following baits in Fisch:

Angler QuestsBaits
Completion of 5 or more questsBagel, Worm, Insect, Flakes, Shrimp, Maggot, Magnet, Minnow, Seaweed, Rapid Catcher, Super Flakes, Fish Head.
Completion of 25 or more questsSquid, Night Shrimp, Weird Algae, Shark Head
Completion of 50 or more questsCoal, Truffle Worm

Fisch Bait Stats Explained: Preferred vs Universal Luck

The first time you get a bait in Fisch, you will notice that it has certain characteristics such as Preferred Luck, Resilience, and so on. Let’s see what does these mean in the game and how to get the best from them:

  • Preferred Luck: This is applied to the fish the bait prefers and increases the chances of getting that specific fish.
  • Universal Luck: This is applied to the rod you are using and increases your rod’s luck in catching better fishes.
  • Resilience: The more resilience, the less a fish will move during the reeling minigame. So it will be easier to overlap the white bar with the cursor.
  • Lure Speed: More lure speed decreases the time required to hook a fish.

Best Baits to Use in Fisch

Some of the baits in Fisch are more efficient than others and work best when paired with the right fishing rod. Here, we have compiled where to use the following baits to catch some of the rarest fish in the game.

BaitsBest RodsBest Locations
Truffle WormsAll RodsCryogenic Canal, The Depths, Kraken Pool, Grand Reef
Weird AlgaeRod of the Depths, Zeus Rod, Tempest Rod, No-Life Rod, Seraphic RodThe Depths, Crogenic Canal, Atlantean Storm
MagnetMagnet Rod, Steady RodDesolate Pocket, Sunstone Cave
Fish HeadTrident Rod, Rod of the DepthsOcean, The Depths
ShrimpArctic Rod, Trident RodRoslit Bay
SquidArctic Rod, King’s RodSnowcap
MinnowKing’s Rod, Arctic Rod, Reinforced RodRoslit Bay, Roslit Volcano
Flakes and Super FlakesTrident Rod, No-Life RodThe Ocean
Deep CoralRod of the Eternal King, Rod of the Depths, Kraken RodKraken Pool, Grand Reef, Megalodon Event
CoralKraken Rod, Seraphic Rod, Rod of the Eternal KingKraken Pool, Grand Reef, Megalodon Event, Ancient Isles
Seaweed All Rods
Cryogenic Canal, The Depths, Kraken Pool, Grand Reef

How to Get Baits in Fisch

In Fisch, you can get the Baits from the following items: Common Crates, Bait Crate, Quality Crate, Volcanic Geode, Coral Geode, and by completing the Angler quests. These crates can be found by fishing at various locations as they are not selective and occur randomly.

However, the Common and Quality Crates are found in larger quantities on Sunstone Island. Furthermore, the Desolate Deep and Roslit Volcano are the only places to get the Coral and Volcanic Geodes, respectively. Finally, you may buy the crates and geodes from the following places:

  • Common Crate: From the Travelling Merchant by spending 128 cash
  • Bait Crate: From the merchants at Moosewood, Roslit Bay, Sunstone Island, Desolate Deep, and Forsaken Shores by spending 120 cash
  • Festive Crate: This can be purchased at Fischmas Island. Only available for a limited period of time.
  • Quality Bait Crate: Available at the Terrapin Island near the Shipwright and requires 525 cash.
  • Coral Geode: From the Desolate Pocket by spending 600 cash. Also, redeem the latest Fisch codes to get a few Coral Geodes for free.
  • Volcanic Geode: From the Travelling Merchant by spending 600 cash.
  • Common Crate
  • Bait Crate
  • Festive Crate
  • Quality Bait Crate
  • Coral Geode
  • Volcanic Geode

How to Use Baits in Fisch

Baits in Fisch will be stored inside your Equipment bag. So, press ‘2‘ to open up the bag and select the bait you wish to use from the right sidebar. You can scroll to look at all the baits you possess, along with their stats.

The Complete Fisch Bait Guide
Image Credit: Roblox/Fisch (screenshot by Bipradeep Biswas)

Having equipped a bait, close the bag, select your rod, and start fishing. You will soon realize the power of these baits as you catch better fish over time. To learn more about the fish in the game, check out the official Roblox Fisch Trello link.

Now that you know everything about Baits in Fisch, go ahead and try collecting some baits and use them to catch some of the rarest fishes in the game. So, which baits have you unlocked? Let us know in the comments below!

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