Deadlock Wraith Build: Best Items and Abilities

While Wraith is a good starting point for new players in Deadlock she can also be great in the hands of a veteran. The gunslinger gambler comes with great Spirit damage already in her arsenal along with a massive base ammo capacity. Moreover, her bullet animation is crisp which makes your last hitting easier. As one of the best split pushers in Deadlock, Wraith is ideal for objectives and moderate ganks that make her a must-have in any Deadlock roster. Want to learn how to best play her? Here is the best Wraith build you must have in Deadlock.

Best Wraith Item Build in Deadlock

Note: You can find this build in Deadlock by searching ‘Beebom Wraith Build‘ in the Public Builds section. You can either directly use our guide or copy it and edit it as per your need, from the game’s Browse Build section.

To maximize the true potential of Wraith, we have constructed a solid item build. Follow the guide from top to bottom to understand the build progression. We have segmented each item in the build category into early-game, mid-game, late-game, and flex slots. Also, make sure you follow the items from left to right and take notes of situational items from below:

Best Laning/Early Game Items

500 Souls500 Souls500 Souls500 Souls500 Souls500 Souls500 Souls
Headshot Booster DeadlockBasic Magazine DeadlockRestorative Shot DeadlockExtra Regen DeadlockHealing Rite DeadlockExtra Charge DeadlockSprint Boots Deadlock
Wraith needs minion farm in the lane and these early-game items are ideal for that

As Wraith, you start with an ammo capacity of 55 which helps you balance last hits while pinching enemy heroes. We suggest getting a Headshot Booster early on to add more accuracy and damage to your last hits. This item gives you an increased fire rate and bullet damage shield along with bonus damage on each headshot. To add insult to injury and increase ammo capacity, make sure to get Basic Magazine.

For survival in the lane, get a Restorative Shot and Extra Regen. Both of these items will help you with additional HP regeneration to deal with enemy damage. If these HP regen items are not enough due to annoying enemies, get the Healing Rite as a situational item.

The Extra Charge is an ideal early Spirit item that goes great with Wraith’s Card Trick ability. You gain an extra card with this item to secure last hits or deal massive killing blows on enemies. If you are playing as a ganker and often move away from the lane, you must grab the Sprint Boots for quick and easy escapes.

Best Core/Mid-Game Items

1250 Souls3000 Souls1250 Souls1250 Souls1250 Souls1250 Souls
Quicksilver Reload DeadlockTesla Bullets DeadlockBullet Resist Shredder DeadlockEnduring Speed DeadlockEnchanters barrier DeadlockCombat Barrier Deadlock
Quicksilver Reload + Tesla Bullets + Bullet Resist Shredder is a must-have for Wraith

By the time you reach around 7-10 minutes in the game, you must be done with your early game items as Wraith. Given she has great potential to farm souls fast, you can go directly to her core items. With Wraith’s low cooldown abilities, you can combine the Quicksilver Reload and never run out of bullets. This item reloads your ammo when you use an ability and will make you reload your weapon less.

As soon as your reload and ammo problems are out of the way, buy the Tesla Bullets and Bullet Resist Shredder on priority. Tesla Bullets deals 30 shock damage to the enemy and additional chain lightning damage to nearby enemies. Once combined with the Bullet Resist Shredder’s -12% bullet damage resist reduction on each spirit damage, it can be deadly. Tesla Bullets will also increase your farming speed as you churn down lanes and the Deadlock jungle within minutes.

With the three core items in your bag, make sure you have upgraded your Sprint Boots to Enduring Speed. If the enemies are interrupting your farming pace or they have lurkers, get both Enchanter’s Barrier and Combat Barrier. These items will provide bullet and spirit shields along with additional damage when your shields are not broken.

Best Late Game Items

3000 Souls3000 Souls6200 Souls6200 Souls4250 Souls3000 Souls
Titanic Magazine DeadlockHeadhunter DeadlockRicochet DeadlockLeech DeadlockMystic Slow DeadlockRapid Recharge Deadlock
Become a farming and objective machine in the Late game while dominating in team fights

Once you reach the late game phase with Wraith, you can upgrade your Basic Magazine to the Titanic Magazine, Headshot Booster to Headhunter, or get Ricochet in any order. Wraith players focusing on the objectives more will need all the ammo they can get and the Titamic Magazine is ideal for that. To increase the farming rate, Ricochet is perfect for clearing multiple minions in quick succession.

In case you are entangled in fights for the most of late game, get the Headhunter early and deal additional damage on every headshot while gaining HP back. You can boost this survivability further by getting the Vitality item Leech. Leech boosts your health regeneration based on the damage you inflict and gives additional health stats.

To combine the spirit damage from your abilities and Tesla Bullets, you must buy the Mystic Slow. Dealing spirit damage on the enemies will slow them down. This will make it easier for you and your teammates to clean up the enemies. You must also upgrade Extra Charge to Rapid Recharge in the late game to strengthen your Card Trick and annihilate enemies more frequently.

Wraith Situational/Flex Slot Items

3000 Souls6200 Souls6200 Souls4250 Souls6200 Souls6200 Souls6200 Souls
Toxic Bullets DeadlockLucky Shot DeadlockCrippling Headshot DeadlockSuperior Cooldown DeadlockSpiritual Overflow DeadlockUnstoppable DeadlockVampiric Burst Deadlock
Be more toxic with bouncing bleed damage while lowering your ability cooldowns

While all the items above should be sufficient, there are some items you can get to fill in your Flex Slots in Deadlock and become stronger. Toxic Bullets and Lucky Shot can be your go-to flex items as Wraith. As you already have Ricochet, the additional damage from these two can stack up and clear up enemies in team fights faster if they stand close.

If you are not a fan of Toxic Bullets’ passive damage, you can get the Crippling Headshot to reduce the bullet and spirit resistance of enemies. This item will not work with Ricochet as you must hit headshots to apply the debuff.

If you are engaging in team fights, getting the Superior Cooldown is a must. Combine this item with your Full Auto ability to have the fire rate boost and additional spirit damage. If you want to enhance your Spirit Power further, get the Spiritual Overflow. This will build additional spirit on every bullet you hit which will combine great with Tesla Bullets and Ricochet.

In case you are struggling against enemy stuns, get Unstoppable and make yourself immune to interruption abilities. You will have more freedom in fights. Furthermore, you can also get Vampiric Burst and activate it when low on health. This item gives you a 100% bonus lifesteal which goes perfectly with your insane fire rate in the late game.

Deadlock Wraith Build: Abilities and Unlock Order

With the item build sorted out, you must know which Wraith’s abilities make her better if you know the upgrade order. Here is a detailed overview of all Wraith abilities and the Ability Point Order in which you must unlock them all:

All Wraith Abilities

  1. Card Trick: Deal weapon damage to summon cards. Activate to throw a card that flies towards the enemy or point under your crosshair. You can rotate the cards by moving around your mouse.
    • Level 1: +1 Charge
    • Level 2: +50 damage
    • Level 3: +50% card summon rate
  1. Project Mind: Teleport to the targeted location. Be careful with the teleport as you can get stuck on walls in front of you. The best way to teleport is by looking at the dummy Wraith that shows up once you bring out the Project Mind ability before using it.
    • Level 1: +15 meter cast range
    • Level 2: Provides a 300 bullet shield for 8 seconds on teleport. Shield amount scales with spirit power
    • Level 3: -30 second cooldown
  1. Full Auto: Temporarily boosts your fire rate. Nearby allies receive half the fire rate bonus. This also affects minions or friendly summons.
    • Level 1: -15 second cooldown
    • Level 2: +5 spirit damage per bullet
    • Level 3: +35% bullet lifesteal
  1. Telekinesis: Lift an enemy hero into the air, stunning them for a short time. When the lift ends, the target receives Telekinesis damage. This is a great lockdown ability to catch enemies off guard or push a solo enemy in the early game.
    • Level 1: -30 second cooldown
    • Level 2: +0.5 second duration
    • Level 3: Telekinesis will target enemies in an area around Wraith

Best Wraith Ability Point Order

Wraith is great in lane thanks to her base stats and damage. This is enhanced due to her amazing Card Trick ability. Card Trick deals massive damage and can be upgraded further with the level 1 upgrade. The first level upgrade on Card Trick adds an extra card which becomes three when you buy the Extra Charge Spirit Item. Project Mind is the least priority as only unlocking it lets you teleport to a decent distance which is more than enough.

Deadlock Wraith build ability point order

Once you have unlocked all the abilities, make sure you get level 2 on both Card Trick and Telekinesis. With your both damaging abilities upgraded, get level 2 on Full Auto by the time you get the Quicksilver Reload, Tesla Bullets, and Bullet Resist Shredder combo. As the level 2 Full Auto also gives you additional Spirit damage on bullets, the combination with Bullet Resist Shredder will be deadly.

Max Card Trick first as increases your clean-up and nuke potential. Due to your rapid attack speed and short cooldown times, you’ll always have your Card Trick ready. After that, maximize your ultimate ability to chain up more enemies surrounding you. Level 3 Full Auto gives you a 35% bullet lifesteal which can change the course of the game.

So ensure you level it up as soon as both Card Trick and Telekinesis are maxed up. Only prioritize your Project Mind upgrade when the enemies are ahead and you have a less aggressive advantage.

And that ends our Deadlock Wraith build for all beginners and veterans. Have you tried our build yet? Share your KDA record in the comments below.

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