Deadlock is Valve’s big MOBA shooter that is still in its early stages. All the heroes and items in this popular new game are constantly changing with each update due to active development. Well, that doesn’t stop us players from enjoying the game and looking for the best Deadlock heroes. So, in this guide, we have ranked all the heroes in a Deadlock tier list so that you know which character to pick for your next victory.
The tier list below is updated according to the Deadlock November 7 patch changelogs.

S-tier Deadlock Heroes
As should be known to gamers by now, we consider S Tier to be the one with the most broken and powerful characters. You will find S-tier list heroes in almost every game and if you don’t, it means you are not in the Deadlock high elo lobbies yet. You might need to invest some time to master the said characters, but once you do, you’ll be unstoppable.

From S to C and back to S. Yes, that is pretty much the summary of Yamato in Deadlock. He has been a great jungler and probably the best in the jungle in Deadlock for a long. However, his signature was how he could sustain damage while being in the ultimate.
After a major nerf in a previous patch, Deadlock finally realized Yamato needed a buff. So, to balance that nerf, Deadlock’s November 7 patch buffed Yamato to the moon. He can now increase his ultimate duration by killing people. This added to his already solid spirit damage abilities can be devastating in any lobby of Deadlock.

Paradox comes with a great skill set where you are able to slow down enemies constantly while dealing spirit damage. On the right hand, Paradox feels untouchable. Most importantly, no one is untouchable when you swap them towards you using your ability. Moreover, you block down enemy bullets in fights that can change the entire course of the game in a blink.
These abilities were already enough to keep Paradox in a valuable category in the game. But well, the developers had to push the gear harder. And with that, Paradox time bomb now gets huge with insane tick damage while the other spirit item buffs help her almost one-shot enemies.

Professor, aka Dynamo, is the best initiator in Deadlock. Even if you are not great at farming or killing enemies, you still add a lot of value to your team. Dynamo can stun, he can clean, and he can definitely control an entire team at once.
If you combine your ultimate with your teammate’s abilities in the right way, victory is guaranteed. Oh, you can also save your teammates from deadly situations by turning into a quantum ball.

If you go through all the heroes in Deadlock, Ivy is the most underrated. Her ability to dominate the lane using the brambles can guarantee a significant soul count. In case you are the aggressive type, you can push in with the stun and retreat while healing your teammate.
Moreover, you can pick your teammates and drop them anywhere you want using this tactic. You can deliver the Soul urn easily or even help your team’s Seven or Bebop secure kills with their ultimate ability. The amount of utility Ivy possesses makes her rank high on our Deadlock tier list.
A-tier Deadlock Heroes
The A-tier heroes in Deadlock are good, but these characters will need some specific items to come online.

McGinnis has the highest base ammo capacity in Deadlock which makes her a great laner. She also comes with a heal which can be great in the laning stage. Yes, that was pretty much it. But with the massive buffs to her turrets, it is now a whole different story.
In almost every other game you will find a McGinnis on your enemy team who spams the wall and turrets and all you can do is dash around and get killed by those pesky little bots. One thing is for sure you will be confused about what to do first: kill McGinnis or her turrets.

Recommended for beginners, used by veterans. That is Infernus in Deadlock for you. There are two reasons why Infernus is better than all the other heroes below him right now. The first reason is that as Infernus, you deal damage even after not hitting your enemies thanks to burn damage from your abilities, especially the passive.
The second reason is that you keep healing from all the burn damage you are dealing to the enemies. These things make Infernus the most annoying hero to deal with at any rank level in Deadlock.

Speaking of healing supports, Viscous is more aggressive than any other healers in the game. His skill set is made for the initiator-type players. You can roll in, spit, or even punch enemies towards your team. But the best part is how you can heal yourself or teammates, roll in or out of fights, and punch yourself away from a critical situation as well.
With the reach items now increasing the size of the goo ball, it is easier to control team fights while being the tanky support. So, if you choose the right items in your Deadlock build, you can create quite the frenzied gooball that can hose down any enemy. Just make sure you do not rely much on the punch build as melee Viscous has been quite nerfed for the last few patches.

While fighting Pocket, you will feel like punching the air. That is how I always feel against a Pocket in Deadlock. Whether it is winning team fights, 1v1s, or objectives, Pocket can do it all.
This Deadlock hero comes with massive spirit damage while having the best mobility. Once you’ve mastered advanced movements, Pocket can be exceptionally unkillable. All of that while your AOE ultimate drains enemy HP faster than they can last in fights. With Spirit items being stronger, Pocket is stronger than ever.
Mo & Krill

While Mo & Krill are not the best objective takers out there, their involvement in team fights is huge. With a great disarming ability and the skill to hide from enemies, Mo & Krill can take the fight on their own terms. However, the best part of this hero duo is the ultimate ability.
Having the skill to hold down enemies while dealing damage for a solid amount of time can change the course of the game, especially if it’s a crucial enemy hero.

When Valve puts a hero on the home screen..uhh, take the hint that it means something. And it did indeed. Abrams was possibly the strongest tank among the entire Deadlock characters roster. Well, until the developers thought to nerf melee damage in the game. Although he is still strong, Abrams drops from S tier due to his terrible damage scaling now that almost every other item has a melee resist in them.
However, he still remains in A tier due to how annoying and monstrous he is in the early and mid-game. The fun part of playing Abrams is that you do not even need life steal Vitality items to sustain fights.

Added with the big September patch, Mirage has been a key initiator and ganker in Deadlock. While his highlight ability is the passive, his attack animation and slow fire rate do not complement it. Although Mirage always was a good initiator, the massive buffs he received now make him extremely tanky.
If you can get some solid items and combine them with his tank abilities, you can easily dominate enemies. Mirage can easily be one of the ideal carry in the later half of the game with his massive spirit damage from Djin’s Mark.
B-tier Deadlock Heroes
All B-tier characters are great in low elo lobbies and are called pub stompers. However, after a certain point in the game, they start to feel weak and one-dimensional; the reason they are in the B Tier in our Deadlock tier list.

After rewinding some changes, the developers somewhat balanced bomb Bebop. While his kit still looks exciting, you will feel limited once you try Bebop. Luckily, you no longer lose bomb stacks. This makes you good as long as you keep contributing to the team fights.
If you are putting bombs at the right time, finishing enemies off with your ults, or out-positioning them with your hook, Bebop can be fun and valuable in any rank lobby. The best part is that you get 1.5x bomb stacks even if you just deal damage to enemies. So, you are always gaining something even from a failed fight.

Ever since Vindicta received her buffs, she continues to be a menace in all lobbies. However, the amount of counter items for her always makes it difficult to rely on Vindicta carry. Yes, you can dish out a ton of damage the whole game but you will be in a fear of survival.
However, if you are good with aerial juking and have a solid team, you can dominate the game. Overall, Vindicta is a glass canon if you know how to handle her.
Grey Talon

If you ask any Grey Talon mains, they were absolutely devasted by the early changes made to his survivability. Being a squishy caster already, his only way out was the movement speed that would scale with spirit power.
With that change reverted back, Grey Talon is now extremely hard to catch while from a distance he can kill you just with his charge shots. His stamina while in the rain of arrows is also increased which makes Grey Talon annoying from the first second of the game. Although it is easy to counter him with items like Knockdown or Phantom Strike, the logs he throws are still hard to deal with.

Seven is the ultimate pub stomper. Yes, if you know how to spam abilities, you can easily clean up newbie lobbies. While for a long time, he was pretty weak in higher lobbies, with the latest buffs to his storm cloud, Seven can easily contribute massively to the team fights.
This added to the insane buff in spirit items, makes him too good for any lobby. Just make sure you are keeping your abilities saved for the right moments.

If you are looking for an all-rounder with huge objective potential, then Wraith is the best. She can deal massive nuke damage throughout the game. While damage is better for single-target enemies mostly, she is capable of fighting against a bunch of enemies.
However, she outshines most heroes in terms of eating down the objectives thanks to her fire rate and ammo. Not only that, but she also can combine this with her teleport to never get caught after being a rat and taking down objectives like a piece of cake.

Haze was the strongest hypercarry in Deadlock unless Vindicta got a giga-buff. However, if you can babysit your Haze and feed her, some items can make her unstoppable. With a great ultimate ability to spray down enemies, and an invisibility ability, Haze already is strong. Just ask my Editor, who I work with to feed Haze souls to make her grow in power quickly.
Unfortunately, with a massive nerf in Haze’s ultimate, she can feel less powerful in the early game. You can still dominate late game if you get the right build but you can no longer snowball as a dominant force.

For the amount of difficulty level, Lash does not give enough output. In a movement-based game like Deadlock, Lash used to outshine other heroes. However, he feels like an initiator who needs good teammates to shine. This makes Lash restrictive and, in most of the games, you feel like a catalyst to the better heroes in your team.
C-tier Deadlock Heroes
Our C-tier consists of Deadlock heroes who can be good in lower ranks but can get swept by a good and skilled player.

Warden is a great tank character in Deadlock who can fight against multiple heroes. His key ability is to lock down enemies and steal their life away. However, there are too many counter items and heroes to deal with Warden. So, sometimes you will notice Warden feeling lackluster even after doing everything right with him.

The Ally from the North packs an icy punch or even protects teammates at ease. However, with the melee nerfs, you would have wanted to go spirit-build with Kelvin. But hold up. The developers also nerfed his spirit damage scaling for the Arctic beam and also lowered the healing on the grenade.
Despite that, Kelvin is a support first hero who’s a great pincher at lane while being a great counterattacker, thanks to his ultimate. Especially when you get to delay enemies from getting the rejuvenator.

After weeks of Shiv saying ‘Hold my knives‘ and the Deadlock community being in fear of that bleed effect sound, developers finally listened. Even my Editor who’s a MOBA newbie could rack up kills quickly with Shiv. So, to solve it, Deadlock devs have now balanced how Shiv’s rage mechanics work. You can no longer keep building it up without being more proactive. Moreover, Shiv no longer feels unstoppable as he needs to play around his kit more patiently instead of spamming all the abilities.
D-tier Deadlock Heroes
The D-tier is meant for players who want to deal a lot of damage and annoy enemies, while trying their hardest to win games.
Lady Geist

Another situational hero who never comes online, at least for me, is Lady Geist. You will deal a lot of damage throughout the game as her. The issue with Lady Geist is her ability kit in Dedlock. All of her abilities are about dealing a lot of damage. This makes her a one-dimensional character with zero possibility to deal with her endless counters.
What did you think about our Deadlock heroes tier list? Which Deadlock character would you rank higher and why? Tell us in the comments below.