Deadlock Lady Geist Build: Best Items and Abilities

Deadlock has plenty of ability damage dealers who can take over the lane pretty fast, and Lady Geist is one of them. She has a strong gun animation and damage, but her strength is in the spirit damage. You can dominate your opponents in every game with the right items and abilities from our Deadlock Lady Geist build guide.

Best Lady Geist Item Build in Deadlock

Note: You can find this build in Deadlock by searching ‘Beebom Lady Geist Build‘ (ID: 167432) in the Public Builds section. You can either directly use our guide or copy it and edit it as per your need, from the game’s Browse Build section.

Best Early Game Items

500 Souls500 Souls500 Souls500 Souls1250 Souls500 Souls500 Souls500 Souls

Having a strong spam ability that scales with spirit power, building towards spirit items from the beginning with Lady Geist is necessary. Mystic Burst is the perfect starting item to burst down enemies with your already strong burst damage from the Essence Bomb. You can immediately increase your ability range with Mystic Reach or get Extra Spirit for additional damage.

If you are in a tough lane, you can get Extra Regen and keep it until you have some spirit armor. In some situations, you can get some more healing with Healing Rite and Restorative Shot. However, if you are snowballing, get the Soul Shredder Bullets and amplify your damage. Having Sprint Boots for the early stages will always come in handy.

Best Core/Mid-Game Items

1250 Souls1250 Souls1250 Souls3000 Souls3000 Souls1250 Souls1250 Souls

The trend of building towards spirit items will continue as you reach the mid-game. Start with the Improved Cooldown to get your abilities ready up faster. If your team pushes down the objectives early and gets a flex slot, you can get the Mystic Vulnerability. Otherwise, get Enchanter’s Barrier and upgrade your early items to Improved Burst and Improved Spirit.

For more tanking chances with the barrier, you must get a Spirit Lifesteal. This will help you survive more and spam the Essence Bomb regularly. For more gank potential, upgrade your boots to the Enduring Speed.

Best Late Game Items

6200 Souls6200 Souls3000 Souls3000 Souls3000 Souls4250 Souls4250 Souls3000 Souls3000 Souls

As you do not need as many weapon items as Lady Geist, your primary build focus should be upgrading the remaining spirit items in the late game. This includes Escalating Exposure, Boundless Spirit, Superior Cooldown, and Improved Reach. However, if you have a flex slot open, you can get the Surge of Power before the latter two.

If you are having trouble surviving the late-game fights, you can get Improved Spirit Armor and Improved Bullet Armor before getting the cooldown and reach. Remember to fill your weapon slots with Alchemical Fire and Spellslinger Headshots. These items will provide additional spirit power and massive damage amplification.

Lady Geist Luxury Items

6200 Souls6200 Souls6200 Souls

If you get some early soul in the late game, you can directly go for either Echo Shard or Mystic Reverb. For more team fights, the reverb is better. However, the shard guarantees you two Essence Bombs in a row. For a more frontline approach, Crippling Headshot will be ideal.

Lady Geist Situational Items

1250 Souls4250 Souls4250 Souls4250 Souls3000 Souls1250 Souls

If you are in a situation where the enemies are negating your Essence Bomb easily, you can switch your build a bit. Instead of going for all-in on the spirit power, you can swap some items for Fleetfoot and Warp Stone. These items will help you get in and out to cast your life drain and ultimate ability.

You can also slow down enemies with the Mystic Slow. If you are against Infernus or Pocket, you might want to get the Debuff Remover. Against Vindicta or Grey Talon, you must get a Knockdown. If too many healers are in the enemy team, get an early Healbane and lower their healing stats.

Deadlock Lady Geist Build: Abilities and Unlock Order

Here is a detailed overview of all Lady Geist abilities and the Ability Point Order in which you must unlock the abilities in Deadlock:

All Lady Geist Abilities

  1. Essence Bomb: Sacrifice some of your health to launch a bomb that deals damage after a brief arm time. Self-damage type is Spirit and can be mitigated.
    • Level 1: +2m Radius
    • Level 2: +60 Damage
    • Level 3: Bombs leave a toxic mess on the ground, dealing 26% of the original damage per second for 6s.
  1. Life Drain: Create a tether that drains enemy health over time and heals you. The target must be in the line of sight and within the maximum range to drain. You can shoot and use other abilities during the drain, but your move speed is reduced by half. Use [Alt-Cast] to give health to friendly Heroes.
    • Level 1: +20 Damage Per Second
    • Level 2: +2s Duration
    • Level 3: Enemy is Silenced while being Life Drained (requires line of sight)
  1. Malice: Sacrifice some of your health to launch blood shards that apply a stack of Malice. Each stack slows the victim and increases the damage they take from you. The slow effect decreases over time.
    • Level 1: -3s Cooldown
    • Level 2: +40 Health To Damage and +7% Damage Amp
    • Level 3: +6 Blood Shards
  1. Soul Exchange: Swaps health levels with an enemy target. There is a minimum health percentage that enemies can be brought down to and a minimum amount of health received based on victims’ current health.
    • Level 1: -38s Cooldown
    • Level 2: -10% Enemy Min Health
    • Level 3: On cast, +40% Fire Rate and +40% Spirit Resist for 8s.

Lady Geist Ability Point Order

As Lady Geist, your job is to spam the Essence Bomb. Get it to T3 first, giving you a puddle of toxin. This damages enemies who cross that area or stand on it. For more survivability, you must upgrade the Life Drain ability. At the max level, it also silences enemies, which can greatly help shut down enemies.

Deadlock Lady Geist build guide ability point order
Image Credit: Deadlock/ Valve

If you are getting chased down more in the game, upgrading the ultimate ability first is more useful. However, if you are snowballing and have an advantage, get more points on Malice. Malice stacks can amp up any damage you deal to enemies.

That ends our Deadlock Lady Geist build that can help you break down many enemies at once. Have you tried our build yet? Share your kill count in the comments below.

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