Amazon Music Will Notify Users When Favorite Artists Go Live on Twitch

Amazon Twitch livestream notif feat.

With an aim to bring artists closer to the fans, Amazon recently enabled a feature that connects artists’ Twitch accounts to their Amazon Music account. So now, if you are following an artist on Twitch, you will get dedicated alerts in the Amazon Music app when that artist goes live on Twitch.

According to a short post by Amazon Music Artists, singers, and songwriters can now link their Twitch channels with their Amazon Music for Artist accounts. This way, whenever any singer or dancer goes live on Twitch, their live streams will appear on their Amazon Music Artist page. Also, their fans will receive notifications for the live streams.

With this clever move, Amazon aims to acquire two goals: bring artists closer to their fans amidst this lockdown season and acquire some more audience for their own game-streaming platform, Twitch.

So, as Twitch’s music section has seen a rise in audience and artists following the COVID-19 pandemic, the Seattle-based giant is pushing it further by integrating it with their music service that reportedly has over 55 million subscribers.

Moreover, this feature will also enable artists, who are unable to perform in public due to mandatory social distancing, to connect with their fans virtually. So, when they go live, they will know that there is an audience waiting to listen to them or watch them perform.

However, one of the major limitations of the feature in the Amazon Music app is that fans will not be able to interact with the artists via live chats. For that, users need to open the Twitch app and show their love for the artist.

The feature is now available for artists who have linked their Twitch channels with their Amazon Music for Artist accounts.

VIA Verge
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