- When Kayce calls out Greg for killng his father, he says something about counting coup.
- Counting coup means victory over an enemy just by touching them and not killing them.
- This is why Kayce did not shoot Greg but instead hit him in the head with his gun.
In Yellowstone Season 5 Episode 12, we see that Kayce has finally been able to track down Greg, the hitman behind John Dutton’s murder. We see that Kayce confronted him with his daughter and threatened to shoot her if he tried anything funny. He does not kill Greg, instead, just hits him with his gun and says “Where I come from that’s called ‘counting coup.’ It means I took a piece of your soul and I’m going to keep it.”. So What does counting coup mean in Yellowstone? let’s find out!
Counting Coup Means Victory over an Enemy Without Killing Them

This is a tradition that hails from South America and is practiced by Plains Indians. Counting Coup means winning a battle with an enemy without killing them. If someone is fighting with an enemy and they win just by touching them and not killing them, it’s called counting coup. Traditionally, after counting coup, the person who does it, is awarded a feather which they can wear as a symbol of achievement and bravery.
In the case of Kayce, he claimed his victory over Greg by intimidating him with the threat to kill his daughter and all his close ones. He did not have to kill Greg after that so he hit him in the head with his gun to count coup and left.
However, leaving Greg alive could turn out to be the biggest mistake Kayce has made since it could put the life of his son Tate and his wife in danger. So, let’s see what happens and stay tuned with us for further updates!